The Flesh Profits Nothing.

The flesh(human body) profits nothing(John 6:63)

Flesh & blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God(1st Corinthians 15:50).

The flesh does not abide; all it eats, ingests, wears, puts on, takes up, gathers or amasses to itself ends in decay & decomposition/corruption.
No matter how much you sow to the flesh, the harvest at the end of the day is corruption/decomposition - Galatians 6:8.

The flesh being futile is naturally inclined to vanity. All it seeks, desires and craves for are vain things, ephemeral and transient.
It does not desire nor care about spiritual things or anything eternal.
With it's lusts, affections & works, it is opposed to and contrary to the things of the Spirit, lusting against the Spirit and warring against the soul.
Galatians 5:17, 19-24; 1 Peter 2:11.

You want to know just how hostile the flesh is?
It does not give a damn about where your soul is going to hereafter. All it cares about is it's own pleasure & satisfaction in this life. All it is after is it's appetite, to eat/ingest whatever it wants, to enjoy itself, to have fun in this life, to go for it's cravings, lusts & desires & express itself therein without any discipline of restriction or abstinence. 

The flesh knowing that it has no life beyond here, only cares about life here on earth. The christian profession which thus focuses on life here is a very fleshly, religious, and eternally hopeless enterprise. Such a christian profession is just as miserable, wretched & vile as the corruptible flesh whose destiny is dust(decay/decomposition).

The flesh is not in Christ thus in Christ there is neither male nor female; gender difference only exists in the flesh(human body) for the reproductive organs which constitute that difference is flesh & of the flesh(human body).
Colossians 2:9-11; 3:9-11; Galatians 3:27-28.

Scripture refers to the flesh as the vile, sinful body; a body of sin & death.
It's a body of wear & tear.

The Natural Man Is Vile & Futile.

The natural man is a man who lives in the flesh & for the flesh; a man who is merely led & driven by the instincts & feelings of his body, a man who lives only to satisfy his fleshly appetite, craving, lusts & orgies.

The natural man is not different from a beast for beasts live for nothing else but to satisfy their natural appetite. Human beings were not created to merely live/exist like animals. The beast has no knowledge of God for the beast does not possess a spirit to relate/fellowship with God who is a Spirit.

The honour of man over the beast is that man has a spirit. Scripture says the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord that searches the inward parts, in another place scripture says "there is a spirit in man and the inspiration of the Lord giveth him understanding".
It is the spiritual faculty of man that makes man a higher being, but when this spiritual faculty is dead and not functioning, man is not any different from a beast. When the spiritual faculty is not functioning, man like the beast is void/bereft of spiritual knowledge and understanding which should come from the inspiration/breath of the Lord.

The psalmist says Man that is in honour and understands not is like a beast that perishes. Man without spiritual understanding has no honour over the beast but is just like the beast.
It is the spirit in man that recieves spiritual understanding from the inspiration of the Lord. All scripture is given by the inspiration of God and is profitable...but the flesh profits nothing.

The apostle who said in 1st Corinthians 15 that the flesh cannot inherit the kingdom of God, had earlier noted in the same epistle that the natural man cannot receive the things of the Spirit of God, because they are spiritually discerned/understood. The carnal/natural mind is futile and cannot receive spiritual understanding.

The peak of the fall of man as spiritually dead & sunken into the flesh, morally degraded & designated as nothing but flesh/dust, and naturally like a beast, will be seen at the end in the manifestation of the antichrist: the man of lawlessness/sin, the son of perdition who is a beast. Then shall the number of a man become one with that of a beast(666)...the trinity/fullness of the futility and beastly nature of the fallen man as deceived & led by satan(the dragon) - Revelation 13:1-4, 18. 


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