Discerning The Times (Living & Seeing Beyond The Breaking News) Part 2.

In the solemnity of the times, it takes utter spiritual blindness for us to see the unprecedented taking place in our days, and merely assume it's nothing unusual/spectacular; seeking to explain it away with mere words of human wisdom/logic, rather than seek the face of God to grant us spiritual understanding of the times. Lack of spiritual discernment and understanding of the times, will be very costly in these days, worse still the lack of discernment of the body of Christ, as that which the heart of God is fully set on, and the object of the Lord's greatest affection, for which he will spare nothing in the world, to purge, purify and put her in order.

The Code 19 In Covid-19.
A Major Setback For A Reset.

In a vision on the 21st of January 2020, a voice spoke saying "We are still in 2019".
This sounded quite incredible and absurd as it made no sense then, seeing we were already 21 days into the new year; it also was like a negative declaration, like a setback; however, as the Covid-19 outbreak, which began in 2019, took center stage, filling the media, the front pages, the headlines and the very words on the lips of men, the meaning of that prophetic declaration began to dawn.

The attention/focus of men suddenly shifted from major/global events scheduled/slated for 2020; instead of nations preparing for upcoming events in 2020, they started preparing/getting ready to handle the threat posed by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The threat grew in intensity to the point of totally eclipsing all major global events scheduled to hold in 2020.
The very amazing and striking thing for me, was seeing the authorities shift these major events to 2021, while retaining the year 2020 as the official year for the events, as though 2020 has been postponed/shifted to next year, to enable the nations finish dealing with the outbreak of 2019.

For example, Euro 2020 was shifted to 2021 yet according to the authorities, the football event will still be called/tagged "Euro 2020"; same with the Olympic games.
Covid-19 has stripped this year of everything that makes it 2020, stripping it of every major/global event that marks it out as 2020, and now the world is faced with and battling with what began in 2019.

Now i fully understand what that prophetic voice meant when it declared that we're still in 2019.
It is a setback for a reset. The Lord is out to reset his church, back to his own timing and order, and this can't be without the judgment of the systems of men.
We have been fast, running ahead of the Lord with our own ministerial activities and programs, scheduled according to our own will, time and dates; but the Lord is calling us back to himself, making us understand that he holds time in his hands and that the Father is he who sets times and seasons in his own power. Daniel 2:20-22.

Five days ago(25th March), the Lord instructed me to go back and check the visions and prophetic words he had given in the past. He particularly led me to the book i used to write prophetic visions & revelations in 2010 and i saw a couple of striking visions, which speak volumes about the days we're living in.
I never knew/remembered i had such encounters/visions in the past.
Here's one of them:

26th April 2010

In a trance, i saw the Lord standing over the earth/world; in the midst of it's business & chains of activities, the Lord laid out his plans on a sheet spread out over the earth as though the activities going on in the world were irrelevant & non existent. Then came these words: "His plan will clash with plans, his interests with interests".

Indeed we're living in the days of the fulfillment of the disruption of activities, events and programs on the earth according to the plans, schedule and calendar of men.

The people of God should not pray without spiritual discernment and understanding of the times; discerning the will and mind of God, lest they be found praying against the will of God. The first prayer to pray is for understanding and discernment, going into our closets like Daniel to seek the face of the Lord, and to seek to understand by the books and words of prophecies, as written in the scriptures of truth and as spoken unto us in times past by the Lord.

We are not to be like the rest of the world who are threatened by the spread of the pandemic, but a people in touch with the throne of God, in fellowship with the counsels of God and the unveilings of his Spirit, who searches and reveals all things; the secrets of men & the deep things of God.

The Lord knows the secrets of men, he sees the conspiracy of hearts, he knows the extent to which the hearts and hands of men are involved in the present predicament, and in his sovereignty, he works all things after the counsel of his own will.

I have many more things to share and say but prefer not to say much seeing am more apt to hear/understand than to speak, and more apt to be taught than to teach.


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