Discerning The Times. Living & Seeing Beyond The Breaking News.

Discerning The Times
Living & Seeing Beyond The Breaking News.

December last year(2019), the Lord said that he has taken up time and time has ceased to be what it used to be, as scheduled by men. This he said indicating that times/seasons have changed.
He also said it is a time of perfect alignment, a time in which he will cause things to align after the counsel of his own will.

In an open trance On the 30th of December 2019, i saw a very bright light like the Sun covering and occupying the entire horizon of space and time, and it was such that when men try to look into the future, they saw nothing but that dazzling light, thus they were left wondering if it meant that there was nothing more in the future, for it was as though time had come to an end, being sucked up/eclipsed by that dazzling light which filled/occupied the entire horizon of time and space.
I shared this with a few brethren at the beginning of the new year(2020).

What This Means For The Church.

So much has been going on, of the religious systems in the church, so much of man's conception, man's organisation, man's name, man's schedule, activities and programs with very little or no real spiritual/eternal value;
In most cases nothing that is of value/account to heaven, thus it is to the glory of man and not to the glory of God, for that which is of man will always bring glory to man, even if God is mentioned and verbally worshipped in it.

Now God is allowing an unprecedented global pressure to set in, halting what is of man, the activities and events scheduled by men. God is allowing extreme/very drastic measures and difficult/shaking times to come upon the world, in order to sieve & purge the church, yet many still cannot discern/see his hand in trying to wean his people from their idols & things that have stolen/taken their hearts away from Him.

Sadly many of his people can't wait to come out of the sieve to end the siege.
That which should isolate them to God, that which should make them turn to the Lord to seek his face, and seek to hear what he is saying, to know his will, his heart and intents in the midst of the troubled waters, ends up becoming an isolation to themselves and their own will/preferences.

In their prayers and supplications they are not occupied with the Lord but with the unpleasant storm, seeking nothing but to quench/end it immediately, so they can quickly return to their normal life & status quo of religious activities, programs & events.

They pray for the healing of the nations, and fail to see how so sick the church is, how so ill and ill-fitting she has become to the Lord, who is her Head. They fail to see the spiritual starvation, malnourishment, and stunted growth the church has been subjected to, due to lack of true spiritual food/meat of God's word.
They are so sick and know not, thus they stand as though they're so healthy & strong, seeking to bring healing to the world, instead of bowing in the ashes & dust of true repentance to God, asking & crying out for the healing/revival of the church of Christ.

May it not be that we have become like the religious scribes and pharisees who are whole and need not the physician/saviour; May we not become like the Laodicean church full of empty/noisy faith declarations/confessions of being rich, increased with goods and having need of nothing, while the Lord stands outside knocking & calling us to repentance.
Mark 2:16-17; Revelation 3:14-21.

Jeremiah 2:8 "The priests said not, Where is the LORD? and they that handle the law knew me not: the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit."

Revelation 3:17, 19-20 "You keep affirming, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and you know not that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked
As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: therefore be zealous unto repentance.
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will dine with him, and he with me."

Why has the church failed to discern this hour/little sliver of time God has given us to repent, return, turn to the Lord and judge ourselves that we be not judged?
Do we know that even more severe times are coming as the Lord will not spare anything that stands in the way of purging his church/the preparation of the bride, that he might have a glorious bride-church to present to himself at his coming?


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