Relegation & Corruption Of The Resurrection In Today's Christianity.

In keeping with the trend and rollercoaster of religious traditions, most christians remember the death and resurrection of Christ once in a year, and most preachers talk or teach about the death and resurrection of Christ once in a year.

That which should characterise the meetings of christians as often as they gather in fellowship, is the remembrance of Christ in the breaking of bread; demonstrating his death and our oneness in Him, till he comes. 
That encompasses his death, his resurrection, his ascension to glory, his High priestly ministry on the righthand of God as our intercessor and advocate with the Father and his appearing/descent from heaven to receive us(his church) to himself. 
These realities about Christ and what God has wrought for us in Him, ought to be our occupation round the clock, if our affections are truly set on him. 
1 Corinthians 11:23-26; Colossians 3:1-2.

Sadly, the resurrection of Christ, which is central to the christian faith, is relegated to a yearly remembrance in the encumbrance of religious festivity and worldly events. 

Worse still, is the fact that even in taking up the resurrection of Christ as a mere theme or topic for preaching on Easter Sunday(a religious festive day adopted by present day christendom for the remembrance of Christ's resurrection), most of the 21st century preachers end up presenting it as some power the believers are to apply in different aspects of their lives to raise what they deem as dead to life again. 

Instead of teaching according to scriptures, the spiritual implications and significance of the resurrection of Christ, and how central/foundational it stands to the faith of the believer; and to make the believer see what God has wrought/accomplished for him/her, in and through the resurrection of Christ; they turn the resurrection into some form of extraneous mystical power, which the believer is to invoke/tap into/activate through prayer and sowing of 'resurrection' seed, and channel into his business, career, family, finances etc. in order to raise to life whatever is perceived to be dead.

One might say but it works: "on an Easter Sunday morning, i just experienced the revival/restarting of a process that was stalled for a long time. I sowed a resurrection seed and it worked."
Have you ever considered that someone somewhere on the planet definitely experienced a greater revival/breakthrough on the same day even without sowing seed?
So what actually works? 

It is so sad that what many professing christians know today of the resurrection of Christ and it's significance, is that Christ has risen from the dead thus anything dead in their lives, career, business, ministry etc. should come to life by the resurrection power. 

The very truth which according to 1 Corinthians 15, should give us a hope in Christ beyond this present life fraught with the misery of pain and death, is the same truth which 21st century preachers have succeeded in using to build our hope in Christ only in this present life; perfectly twisting the scriptures and corrupting the word of God in the subtlety of applying it to real life needs and situations.

Oh! How the bread from heaven which should be served, ministered and eaten unto eternal life, has turned into a bread that perishes in the hands, mouths and bellies of men; and how so fast this leaven of corruption spreads, hastening to leaven the whole meal in the mystery of iniquity.

 "If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive."
1 Corinthians 15:19-22

Such a precious and blessed eternal hope, turned into a mere hope for material breakthrough and prosperity. Oh! How preachers who are bereft and destitute of the truth, have become perfect tools in the hands of satan to corrupt the precious truth of the resurrection of Christ.

If you find yourself in any such congregation/assembly today or beyond today, where the very word of God is being corrupted yet empty vessels are jumping up and down, shouting the loudest Hallelujah and Amen! Just know you're guilty of the corruption going on there, if you don't arise to oppose it or walk away as a sign of disapproval. Complicity is implicit in complacency and silence.

Choose ye this day whether to stand out for the truth or to keep silent and be swept away by the error of the day. 


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