Consider this very carefully and prayerfully. (This is only a small portion of the chapter...)
Quoted from "Messenger: Sydney Elton" (2016) by Ayodeji Abodunde. (pages 204-205. The biography of a man who came as a missionary to Nigeria and spent 50 years laboring in the Lord there.)
From chapter 9 "Last days messenger"

Elton bemoaned the fact that the gospel "has been buried beneath a church which has become more and more worldly and money conscious, and which has clearly shut the Lord Jesus outside His Own church (Rev. 3:20). In these days the church on earth has acquired wealth and property and influence and has become part of the worldly system, to the extent that it cannot be separated from the world or its systems. Satan has done a fine job of taking over the task of managing the church and it now no longer represents the mind of God."

Because of the prevailing situation, God had to "intervene if He is to complete His task of producing a church 'glorious, pure and powerful' for His Son, who purchased it with his own blood on Calvary's Cross. We are sure that God will never allow Satan to boast that he has completely spoilt the church and destroyed it power and made it useless to God. God must have a 'spotless, pure and powerful' Body to represent Him on earth in the last days, in order to use the Body to demonstrate the mighty power of God and sweep the powers of Satan and evil spirits to demonstrate the power of the Cross and Holy Spirit to deliver men and women, and change them, and make them what He means them to be." God had to "make some drastic changes and sweep the church with a great Holy Spirit revival which would accomplish His purposes in the last days."

"There is no time for petty sermons for these days," said Elton. "We must speak the truth, we must call forth repentance, we must call upon our leaders to examine ourselves, we must call for the 'priests' to fast and repent for their failures in these last days. In these last days, there's going to be a big change in the quality and style of the ministry, the teaching that's going forth to the church, awakening it and calling it to gather together for special purposes. The trumpets are sounding, and you will find the prophetical ministry is likely to cry out with this and bring this to our notice. Let us look for this, let us expect this and let us detect in it the call from the Holy Spirit to awaken to these last days' season."


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