In A Season Of Prophecy, On The Wings Of Another New Year's Eve.

Pollution In The Stream And Field Of Prophecy.

In the murky waters of the religious, the souls of many have been misled to drown.
However, of all the streams of ministerial gifts, none has been so polluted and contaminated like the prophetic stream.
Satan knows that the sovereign and eternal will of God, is being driven through the course of time, on the wheels of prophecy; thus, he does everything possible to throw spikes and clogs into it, in order to impede and if possible, scuttle it's movement/advancement.

Right from the beginning, prophecy has been the hub and wheel for the driving of the eternal counsel and will. 
Right there in Genesis, on the eve of the fall, we see God step into the garden on the wheels of prophecy; declaring that the seed of the woman will bruise the head of the serpent(Genesis 3:15).
Also at the end, as captured in the book of Revelation, it will still be prophecy, thus the revelation/testimony of Jesus is unveiled as the spirit of prophecy, and the entire book of revelation itself(the book of conclusion/finality) is a book of prophecy. Revelation 1:1-3; 19:10.

The future, fate and destiny of all things, lies in the field of prophecy; thus, it is not a surprise to see that satan has planted more of his false ministers in the field of prophecy, to confound and confuse the voice/sound of the prophetic.

Prophecy On The Wings Of New's Eve And Not On The Wings Of The Holy Spirit.

We're at the threshold of another new year; a time when many leaders/figure heads of religious organisations, stand to prophesy on the wings of the new year eve/crossover service, to say something nice to the people. Often we see all manner of nice themes on stickers, after the man of God has supposedly given the word of the Lord for the year: It's our "year of this, year of that". 

Many prophesy, not necessarily because they are moved or borne on the wings of the Spirit, but because they are borne on the wings of a new year's eve, when they are expected to make a prophetic sound, and say something appealing to their adherents.

The new year eve/crossover services, come with superstition and religious fantasy, as the people are told by most of the preachers that what they do on that night, will determine what their entire new year will be like. The people become so gullible as they are poised and primed, to do whatever they are told to do, in their hopes that the new year will be an elixir of sorts; an end to all their problems and challenges. 
It is thus not a surprise to see the crossover services, branded with themes like "crossover to take over", "crossover night of pain over, sorrows over, failure over, struggles over". 
The people are giving false hopes and made to feel that crossing over into a new year, is like entering a new world, like coming into the messianic millennial age.

Apathy To Prophecy.

Another way through which satan fights the prophetic, is to inspire apathy to prophecy in the hearts of those who have seen or been a victim of it's abuse. 
This is a more subtle attack than the outright pollution of the prophetic stream. 

Scripture teaches the place and function of the gift of prophecy and prophets in the body of Christ, and tells us not to despise prophesyings, but prove all things and hold fast to that which is good(1 Thessalonians 5:20-21).
However, i've met some christian folks who, due to the abuse and contamination of the prophetic, have developed an apathy to the expression of the prophetic gift, by asserting that scriptures is the only prophecy they know. Such people have not even submitted to the truth of the scriptures they claim to hold unto. We are all called to the responsibility of discernment, which is a mark of spiritual growth/maturity, and not to completely shut our ears to prophecy, which is just as dangerous as embracing false prophecy.


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