
The Tragedy Of A Dead Assembly(Church).

The presence of God is with and dwells in the individual believer in Christ, in the person of the Holy Spirit. The tragedy is in believers living from day to day without any consciousness of the Holy Spirit who is with them and lives in them.  An assembly of believers who do not live & walk in the consciousness of the indwelling Holy Spirit who is with them and in them, is a "dead" assembly/church.  This is the very word the Lord Jesus used to describe the sad spiritual state of the assembly/church in Sardis where he revealed himself as he that has the seven Spirits of God: 👇🏽 "And to the angel of the assembly in Sardis write: These things saith he that has the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars: I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, but art dead." Revelation 3:1. A state of spiritual death/deadness found not in the world but in the assembly/church of Christ, it is thus a very abnormal condition. Imagine a dead assembly/church/candle

What God Cannot Do Does Not Exist". Is It Scriptural?

"What God Cannot Do Does Not Exist". Is It Scriptural? Frankly speaking, the theme 'What God Cannot Do Does Not Exist' is absolutely vague & unscriptural. The two scriptures which some quote in trying to explain the import of the theme are actually saying a different thing both textually & contextually. One is premised on the will of God as the jurisdiction in which nothing is impossible, the other explains the character of the word/declaration from God's mouth as that which is not void of power to come to pass/bring to pass what it says. 1.)  The first scripture is Matthew 19:26 and it reads: "But Jesus, looking on them , said to them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." • The preposition "with" used in the text is "para" in the greek & can be translated as: from, of, at, by, besides or near. "Para" denotes nearness; in the vicinity of. So we can say in the vicinity of God all thi

A Subtle Foundation Of Subversion & Destruction Laid By Two False Apostles, Wresting/Twisting Scriptures/Epistles Written By Paul.

Two So Called Apostles Of The Same Kind & Similar Names/Initials. There has been a recent wave of tales of men/preachers who have infiltrated the ranks of church leadership with serious apostolic pretensions, yet scripturally bankrupt, bereft of truth, and infact inspired of satan himself to attack scriptures clearly inspired/breathed in by God & thus destroy the foundation of ancient words of truth delivered to the church.  Just as satan followed up Jesus immediately after the descent of the HolySpirit upon him at Jordan, to tempt him in the wilderness, this satanic onslaught against the church of Christ started very early, soon after the inception of the church at Pentecost, with the HolyGhost sent down from heaven; however, it's now coming to a climax in these final hours of the last days of the church on earth.  We've seen a satanic inspired onslaught against the epistles penned by the apostle Paul, whom God endowed with wisdom as a wise master builder and used to l

Knowledge Puffs Up? (Understanding 1st Corinthians 8 Verse 1).

  You often hear professing christians say "knowledge puffeth up", casually quoting a line in the 1st verse of 1st Corinthians chapter 8. Now that's very pedestrian; a piecemeal attitude to the scriptures of truth can make a man dismember & quote lines of scripture over the years, which he yet has no true understanding of. The right question to ask is what knowledge puffs up? Those in the habit of quoting this line of scripture assume that if one is versed in the knowledge of God, it has the tendency of puffing him up but the truth is that true depths in the knowledge of God abases & empties the soul of any self confidence & trust. Measures of true revelations go with measures of dealings and emptying experiences under the hand of God. One cannot truly & deeply apprehend the glory of God and not be slain by the revelation of his glory. Isaiah saw his glory and spontaneously saw his wretchedness & unworthiness and declared "woe is me! for I a

What In The Name Of Jesus Are We Preaching Today?

Do preachers and teachers even know that they will give account of every vain thing they preached or taught in the name of Jesus? Is it not why scripture warns against many becoming/desiring to be teachers, taking up teaching as a profession; teaching what they ought not to, saying & affirming things they neither know nor understand? Again is it not why scripture warns that the judgment of teachers will be stricter and they will receive the greater condemnation if they offend in word? James 3:1-2 and 1st Timothy 1:7. Do the preachers/teachers of today even know that it is an offence to wrongly teach/present the word of God; that in doing so, God is dishonoured & not hallowed, Christ is misrepresented & the people of God are misdirected & misled? To wrongly divide & make a mess of the word of truth is a very grave & costly thing. Is it not why Paul in one of his epistles to Timothy warned him thus: "Give heed to thyself and to what you're teaching; conti

Firstfruit Is Biblical.

Couple of years ago as a young believer i met a young man from a certain denomination known for the prosperity gospel, and he said to me that do i know that he can teach on money from Genesis to Revelation, that he can literally use every single verse of the bible to teach about money, even verses in the book of Revelation which talk about the endtime.  I marvelled at the audacity/temerity of his brazen foolishness. He had been wrongly discipled in a denomination led by a man who claims that God called & commissioned him to make his people rich, so he himself boasts in a supposed ability to twist every verse of scripture & make them talk about nothing but money.  This is exactly what the covetous preachers who emphasise firstfruits do, they weave & twist what the bible teaches on the subject, turning it into people's first salary/income for the year which must be brought to the building they call church/house of God.  Yes firstfruit is biblical but the tragedy is what c

The Subtle Attack Against The Church.

 There is a serious satanic reaction & attack against the exposure of high powered network of deception, evil, wickedness & occultism in the church. The move of the Spirit of God in the days we're in is to expose, uncover and judge so much deception, evil, wickedness & occultism that has been going on for years in the name of ministry work or 'church'; unbelievable evil, wickedness & occultism covered up with philanthropy and nice/smooth talks by religious figures/heads who walk so gently & holily like they can't even hurt a fly, yet they are ravenous wolves inside. As God has raised his vessels he will use to expose the evil, satan has also raised vessels in the ranks of the church whom he will use to launch serious attack against the vessels God is using to expose the wickedness going on. The wisdom for God's vessels will be not to give attention to the noise & movement hastily initiated by satan to stop the exposure of evil/wickedness i

What Is The Spirit Saying To The Churches? What Is The Spirit Of Prophecy Testifying Of Things Which Must Shortly Come To Pass?

A lot of people are concerned about the future, to know what the future holds for them, for their family & loved ones, their nation & the world at large. This concern grows stronger on the turn of a new calendar year as people crave to know what the year will be like. A good number of religious leaders and prognosticators cash in on this, to give a forecast of things/events that will unfold in the year.  Some religious leaders merely adopt nice & appealing themes for the year, declaring that it's the word they received from God for the year. Others go further to dish out what they term "prophecies for the year". This has been the trend for the past 20-25 years; quintessential a 21st century church trend, and younger ones go into ministry following the same trend to ride on it to fame & prominence in ministry. Against the backdrop of this trend, there's need for us to re-evaluate what christianity really is. True christianity is conformity to the image

Where Is The Evidence Of Your Sonship & Of God's Faithfulness In Your Life?

The first temptation which satan threw at Jesus is what he is throwing at God's faithful servants and people through peddlers of the false prosperity gospel, who equate material prosperity to godliness.  One might ask how? Kindly follow me as we briefly consider that which is noted in the scriptures of truth for our learning. The first commandment God gave the first man in the garden of Eden was on what to eat & what not to eat. The temptation was also on the ground of what God had said bordering on food as the serpent said..."Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" (Genesis 3:1). The first temptation satan threw at Jesus(the second man) in the wilderness, where he was driven into by the HolySpirit to be tempted, also borders on food..."if thou be the Son of God, command that these stones may become loaves of bread". But Jesus answering said "It is written, Man shall not love by bread alone, but by every word which proceeds fr

The Mystery Of Iniquity (Leaven In Three Measures Of Meal).

The Mystery Of Iniquity ( Leaven In Three Measures Of Meal). In Mathew 13:33 the Lord spoke a short parable which is one of the 7 prophetic parables the Lord delivered in Matthew 13, forecasting mysteries that will play out in the kingdom(field of professed christendom/discipleship) & the harvest which is the end of the age. In this short parable of the 33rd verse, the Lord spoke of a woman who took leaven and hid it in three measures of meal, until the whole of it was leavened👇🏼 "He spoke another parable to them: The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal until it had been all leavened." Three measures of meal as in the old testament represents the meal/meat offering to offering of fine flour(See Genesis 18:1-6). Of all the offerings in the book of Leviticus, the meat offering is the one that leaven is forbidden to be mixed with - "No meat offering which ye shall bring unto the Lord shall be made with l

Where Is The Comfort That Should Be Known In The Leadership & Guidance Of The HolySpirit Today?

Many unforeseen dangers & pitfalls that would have been seen & averted, many needs unmet, many pressures & burdens unlifted, all because many ministers/pastors today have hijacked & taken over the place of the HolySpirit(the great comforter & helper) in the lives of God's people; emphasizing & prioritizing the place of a human mentor/guide over a living relationship with the HolySpirit...the awful discipleship & making of a generation of christians bereft of a real/living relationship with that One Spirit, whereby we are brought into the One body. See what great emphasis & value the Lord himself, who is the great shepherd, places on the ministry of the HolySpirit; how so remarkable it is for him who is the great shepherd of the sheep to say it is expedient/profitable for us that he goes away, for if he goes not away the HolySpirit will not come. - John 16:7 Shouldn't the great shepherd of the sheep have continued with us on earth to physically me

The Error Of Compelled Obedience/Service In The Name Of "Christian Ministry".

  Where obedience or service to God is compelled by men & not flowing from a willing heart full of love and affection for the Lord, it is unreal and at best an unreasonable obedience/service. The Lord is after winning our hearts first; He does not seek/command service, obedience/loyalty first but seeks to win & flood our hearts with undying love & affection for Himself. True service in unreserved obedience/loyalty, will most spontaneously spring & flow from a heart saturated/filled with affection for the Lord. At the sea of Tiberias where Jesus manifested himself to his disciples the third time following his resurrection, the test he set before them as he engaged Peter, was a test of love/affection for Himself. It's important for us to take note of the order of that which the Lord was seeking at the Sea of Tiberias as he engaged Peter. He did not first say to Peter "feed my sheep" but rather asked these all important and fundamental questions of love: &quo

Understanding Spiritual Fatherhood. "Our Father In Heaven".

Where there is little or no consciousness/awareness of the Father in heaven, the people professing to be God's people are like children bereft & destitute of true spiritual fatherhood. The phrase "Father in heaven" of course speaks of spiritual fatherhood in it's truest essence for he is a father whom we do not see yet ever present, ever loving & ever caring. The knowledge, awareness & consciousness of the Father in heaven, is so fundamental & absolute to true christian faith & walk upon the earth, that it is exclusively presented by the Lord in Matthew 23:9 as that which excludes every other context of fatherhood upon the earth, whether patriarchal, biological or ministerial.👇🏼 "And call not any one your father upon the earth; for one is your Father, he who is in the heavens." It is the knowledge of the Father in heaven supremely established in the heart, such that we walk in the consciousness & awareness that ultimately "

Is The Church The Israel Of God?

We live in very interesting times in the unfolding of God's prophetic program for the end. Couple of years ago, we received a word from the Lord that the big question many of his people will be asking in an endtime is: What is the difference between the old and new testament, between the old & new covenant, between Israel & the church.  On the heels of the recent Israeli war, there has been an unprecedented focus and concern of christendom on Israel, many have taken to write or speak on Israel.  I've seen writeups about Israel within the past two weeks more than i have in the past two decades, and the shocking revelation is that the assertions i've seen many make about Israel, reveals how so little is truly known of the church and what the church is.    The inability on the part of many to rightly divide the word of the truth of scriptures concerning Israel, her place in bible prophecy, the earthly promises that belong to her, her earthly eternal destiny & inher

There Is Nothing God Values Like A Man Who Trembles At His Word.

Do We Tremble At His Word Or Neglect/Trifle With It? On the heels of the exact fulfillment of a prophetic word given to him, Jeremiah in awe of God, prayed thus: "Alas, Lord Jehovah! Behold, thou hast made the heavens and the earth by thy great power and outstretched arm; there is nothing too hard for thee".  Jeremiah 32:17. Words uttered in prayer by a prophet who was shut up in prison; shut up for the word/prophecy he had given from the mouth of the Lord, yet he says not this of God as an expression of His absolute power to deliver him from prison, but as an expression of his might in bringing to pass what he has spoken. His obsession and occupation was not with the ugly situation he was in, to be delivered from it, but with the Word of the Lord and how the Lord does not want/lack in power to bring to pass, that which he has spoken. In prayer, he is thus in awe of God's great power to perform his Word...'Ah Lord God! Alas Jehovah"....Here is a man trembling a