
Overcoming Deception In Mixture Of Truth & Error.

The subtle opposition of the enemy is so commonly by imitation of the truth and also by weaving error & truth together, so that the truth therein can attract true souls and thus put them off their guard against the error mixed with it. How essentially is the present time a day of such terrible mixture that's rarely discerned, especially by those merely following & walking after men and not the truth as it is in Christ. Sadly, deception becomes the lot of those who can't discern it, just as Eve was deceived for failure to detect/discern the lie in the mixture of truth & error the serpent fed her mind with. The true apostolic burden & jealousy over the church is to guard the singleness of devotion to God & espousal to the One husband and head of the body(church), which is Christ. Only thus can our minds be safeguarded from being beguiled and deceived by the enemy's subtilty & craft in making a perfect mixture of truth & error. Where there is divide

The Impracticability & Futility Of Natural Will, Strength & Effort.

Abraham was made to learn in his body the lesson of the divine ways; he was made to face in his own body the impracticability & futility of natural effort as night by night those pendant lamps of heaven shone down over his whitening head, and the word of promise whispered in the stillness, "So shall thy seed be." There was absolutely nothing in his own body, age, strength or power that looked like it. He found in himself everything inimical and opposed to even the very thought of the possibility of bringing forth a seed. So Abraham had at last to walk before an Almighty God with a "body now biologically dead", which he could reckon upon no more. In his experience God would have us learn this, which we're often so slow to learn; that faith in ourselves is only so much unbelief in Him, and a hindrance to the blessing He has for us in his Word.  We must come to that point where we no longer have ourselves or any other thing in view for reckoning but His Word. G

Manifestations Of Power Devoid Of Godly Character(A Recipe For Spiritual Disaster).

Manifestations Of Power Devoid Of Godly Character (Recipe For Spiritual Disaster). True spiritual measure & value is not in manifestations of power, glory and influence but in the development of christian character; conformity to the image of God's Son(Christ) ie. growth unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ(Christlikeness). Satan can manifest power & glory, appear as an angel of light; spirits of devils can work miracles, command breakthroughs & testimonies, gather a mammoth crowd of people to a crusade or meeting ground, such that those who judge by outward appearance will most assuredly say 'this is revival'! 2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Revelation 16:13-14 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go for

Is There Anything Like Transactional Gospel?

Few days ago i read a lengthy post by a certain preacher who was making a case to prove that there's nothing like 'transactional gospel' in the bible.  In the opening lines of his write up he stated that "the phrase(transactional gospel) is someone’s thought to justify his opposition to the preaching of prosperity, it’s not in the word of God."  Honestly it baffles me to see someone making a lengthy argument and even quoting scriptures to prove that something is not in the bible while it is right there on the pages of his bible.  Little wonder why the apostle in his admonition to Timothy said: "give attendance/heed to reading"(1st Timothy 4:13).  There are many portions of scripture which many churchgoers for years and ministers who have been preaching from the bible for decades, have never read or heard being preached.  This is so worrisome and the reason why some years ago, i opened a Facebook page called 'Scriptures Hardly Read Today'.  Now le

The Church Is Under Attack.

Often we hear believers say the church is under attack, the church is being divided etc. Sadly, the real attack on the church is the least discerned; it's systemic, endemic, very subtle with no hostility but hospitality in the arms of infidelity, and it is WORLDLINESS. As early as the days of the early church, it was worldly wisdom which crept into the church in Corinth, that bred divisions & religious hero worship even along the lines of affiliations to true ministers of the gospel of Christ, and it led to such false assertions as: "I am of Paul, I am of Apollos, I am of Cephas" - a declaration of membership and belonging to ministers instead of Christ, who is the one Head over all & uniting all members as the one from whom the entire body is derived & the one all is to grow into, unto the measure of the stature of his fullness. This very subtle and sinister attack of worldly wisdom against the church has been on for centuries and has waxed & prospered gr

Is It God's Will That All Be Saved?

Scripture says God desires that all men should be saved & come to the knowledge of the truth, and to that effect he sent his Son who came and gave himself a ransom for all. It is in view of this truth that the apostle in his epistle to Timothy, exhorts that prayers & intercessions should be made for all men with no exception 👇🏼 " I exhort therefore, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings be made for all men; for kings and all that are in dignity, that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all piety and gravity;  For this is good and acceptable before our Saviour God, who desires that all men should be saved and come to  the  knowledge of  the  truth. For God is one, and  the  mediator of God and men one,  the  man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all, the testimony  to be rendered  in its own times." 1st Timothy 2:1-6 Having spoken of God our saviour in the 3rd verse of chapter 2 stated above, the apostle went on in the

Is Our Gathering Today Unto Christ Or Unto A Man/Minister Or Unto Ourselves?

The only spiritual value of our gathering/assembly is in the Lord being with us(His presence) & not in the number of people in attendance; and the Lord will only be present with us if our gathering is actually unto Him. "For where two or three are gathered together unto my name, there am I in the midst of them." Matthew 18:20 It's very important to note that t he actual rendering of this scripture text in Matthew 18:20 is not "In my name," as in the common english version; but "Unto my name:" His name being thus the central point of gathering. "In His name" would imply by His authority, or as representing Himself: both are of course, true of the body of believers as bearing the light/witness of the risen Christ in a dark world, but neither of them defines the nature of the christian assembly as portrayed in the actual rendering of the text..."Gathered Unto his name". It simply means it is a gathering unto Christ and none othe

Horrors Of False Testimony In Ministry As Set Against True Testimony.

Horrors Of False Testimony In Ministry As Set Against True Testimony. False testimony in essence, is marked with exaggerations and distortions of truth. Even where Christ is preached but not according to the truth as it is in the scriptures of truth, there you have false testimony of Christ and those bearing or preaching such a testimony are thus false witnesses. In 1st Corinthians 15:14-15, the apostle says: "but if Christ is not raised, then, indeed, our preaching is vain, and your faith also is vain. And we are found also false witnesses of God; for we have witnessed concerning God that he raised Christ, whom he has not raised if indeed those that are dead are not raised." If in preaching Christ, we make exaggerations in a bid to promote the cause of christianity upon the earth, making it appealing, attractive and acceptable to men, we are preaching a false testimony and are false witnesses of God. False testimony is thus never to the honour or glory of God but to his dish

Praying In The Name Of The God Of One Preacher Or Another.

Praying In The Name Of The God Of One Preacher Or Another. There's absolutely no scripture that shows where any believer or church saint appealed to or prayed in the name of the God of any minister/preacher of the gospel like calling upon the God of Paul, the God of Peter or the God of John.  The only place something close to that played out in the days of the early church, is in the case of the sons of Sceva, who tried to cast out a wicked spirit in the name of the Jesus whom Paul preaches ie. The Jesus of Paul; clearly showing they had no personal revelation or relationship with Jesus, but merely appealing to the Jesus of Paul to have the same results Paul has when he prays in the name of Jesus. Acts 19:13-16.  No man who has a personal revelation of Christ and relationship with God as Father will stand praying in the name of the God of any minister like praying in the name of the God of Paul or in the name of the God of Peter, even Peter and Paul would rebuke such nonsense if th

Who Are Those That Have The Rule Over You?

The Dangerous Assumption That Whatever Your Pastor Tells You To Do Must Be The Holy Spirit Telling You To Do It. Heard a popular pastor quoting a fragment of the 17th verse of Hebrews 13 & doing so out of context, to buttress a dangerous point, which is that whatever your pastor tells you, whether you are persuaded by the Holy Spirit or not, just do it.  This he did, asserting that whatever your pastor tells you to do must be the Holy Spirit telling you to do that. Those who have the rule over you are simply those who have spoken the word of God to you as clearly written by the apostle in an earlier verse(vs. 7) of the same Hebrews 13 👇🏼  "Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation." Earlier in chapter 2:3 he had written about the so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord himself, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him.  Them tha

Octave Of Redemption & Salvation On The Octave Of June.

Today is the octave of June being the 8th day. On this day, many years ago I came into this world crying, as born of a woman; born into sin & the ruins of the fallen race of mankind. If one should ask me: "what do you think is the purpose for which you were born, the reason for which you came into this world"? Without taking a second thought I would say it is the Lord's salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.The purpose for which I was born and the reason for my existence is the glory of his salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. This divine purpose for my life and existence has been made known & disclosed to me in divers manners, through visions and revelations in the scriptures of truth. I woke up this day and was led of God into meditations on the glory of his redemption and salvation in Christ. How what he wrought for us in Christ is infinitely beyond just a restoration of what was lost or man's restoration to his former estate/glory in

The Right Spirit In Giving & The Error Of Sowing To Tap Into Anointing.

The Right Spirit In Giving & The Error Of Sowing To Tap Into Anointing. Giving with the motive of being lifted in exchange for what you gave is a transactional spirit & wrong. That transactional spirit is wrong even when the motive is for spiritual lifting/empowerment.  Simon the sorcerer who believed, was baptized and continued with Philip the evangelist, gave transactionally when the apostles Peter & John came to Samaria; mind you he gave a money seed not for material lifting/empowerment but for the spiritual, yet he was judged as caught up in a wrong spirit by thinking that the gift of God can be bought or imparted in exchange for a money seed. Peter said to him: "your heart is not right with God.  Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and supplicate the Lord, if indeed the thought of thy heart may be forgiven thee". See Acts 8:18-23. In other words, the very thought that one can sow a money seed & tap into or receive spiritual impartation in exchange, i

Horrors Of Self Will & Rebellion Against The Word Of The Lord In Ministry.

Horrors Of Self Will & Rebellion Against The Word Of The Lord In Ministry. When you hear that an anointed preacher full of his own ways/order in ministry & takes lightly the issue of precision in teaching & keeping the words of God, is now given to sorcery & witchcraft, it should come as no surprise. When you hear that an anointed religious leader who is self willed and plays down on erroneous doctrines, not taking it as anything grievous, is now into occultic practices, you should not be surprised. Here's why👇🏼 1st Samuel 15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of divination, And selfwill is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of Jehovah, He hath also rejected thee from being king. 1st Chronicles 10:13 And Saul died for his unfaithfulness which he committed against Jehovah, because of the word of Jehovah which he kept not, and also for having inquired of the spirit of Python, asking counsel of it. Do the Lord's people know how disob

Understanding Divine Sonship (Part 1)

  The bible teaches on divine sonship(sons of God) in different contexts. By the context & default of creation, angels are called sons of God in their capacity as ministering/serving spirits, serving God who is the Father of spirits and hearkening to his word to do his bidding - Hebrews 1:7, 13-14; Job 1:6; 38:6-7. The first man Adam is also called the son of God in the context of creation as created in the image of God & after his likeness & set over all that God created upon the earth. See Luke 3:38 The Sonship of Christ to God as the Only begotten Son is eternal, divine Sonship which is exclusive and thus excludes every other context of sonship to God. It is the Sonship in the Godhead revealing the uncreated, self existent and pre-existent Son by whom God made the worlds, and who has always been with God and in the bosom of the eternal divine relationship which has always been in the Godhead. Some assert & teach that Christ was the only begotten Son

The Tragedy Of A Dead Assembly(Church).

The presence of God is with and dwells in the individual believer in Christ, in the person of the Holy Spirit. The tragedy is in believers living from day to day without any consciousness of the Holy Spirit who is with them and lives in them.  An assembly of believers who do not live & walk in the consciousness of the indwelling Holy Spirit who is with them and in them, is a "dead" assembly/church.  This is the very word the Lord Jesus used to describe the sad spiritual state of the assembly/church in Sardis where he revealed himself as he that has the seven Spirits of God: 👇🏽 "And to the angel of the assembly in Sardis write: These things saith he that has the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars: I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, but art dead." Revelation 3:1. A state of spiritual death/deadness found not in the world but in the assembly/church of Christ, it is thus a very abnormal condition. Imagine a dead assembly/church/candle

What God Cannot Do Does Not Exist". Is It Scriptural?

"What God Cannot Do Does Not Exist". Is It Scriptural? Frankly speaking, the theme 'What God Cannot Do Does Not Exist' is absolutely vague & unscriptural. The two scriptures which some quote in trying to explain the import of the theme are actually saying a different thing both textually & contextually. One is premised on the will of God as the jurisdiction in which nothing is impossible, the other explains the character of the word/declaration from God's mouth as that which is not void of power to come to pass/bring to pass what it says. 1.)  The first scripture is Matthew 19:26 and it reads: "But Jesus, looking on them , said to them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." • The preposition "with" used in the text is "para" in the greek & can be translated as: from, of, at, by, besides or near. "Para" denotes nearness; in the vicinity of. So we can say in the vicinity of God all thi

A Subtle Foundation Of Subversion & Destruction Laid By Two False Apostles, Wresting/Twisting Scriptures/Epistles Written By Paul.

Two So Called Apostles Of The Same Kind & Similar Names/Initials. There has been a recent wave of tales of men/preachers who have infiltrated the ranks of church leadership with serious apostolic pretensions, yet scripturally bankrupt, bereft of truth, and infact inspired of satan himself to attack scriptures clearly inspired/breathed in by God & thus destroy the foundation of ancient words of truth delivered to the church.  Just as satan followed up Jesus immediately after the descent of the HolySpirit upon him at Jordan, to tempt him in the wilderness, this satanic onslaught against the church of Christ started very early, soon after the inception of the church at Pentecost, with the HolyGhost sent down from heaven; however, it's now coming to a climax in these final hours of the last days of the church on earth.  We've seen a satanic inspired onslaught against the epistles penned by the apostle Paul, whom God endowed with wisdom as a wise master builder and used to l

Knowledge Puffs Up? (Understanding 1st Corinthians 8 Verse 1).

  You often hear professing christians say "knowledge puffeth up", casually quoting a line in the 1st verse of 1st Corinthians chapter 8. Now that's very pedestrian; a piecemeal attitude to the scriptures of truth can make a man dismember & quote lines of scripture over the years, which he yet has no true understanding of. The right question to ask is what knowledge puffs up? Those in the habit of quoting this line of scripture assume that if one is versed in the knowledge of God, it has the tendency of puffing him up but the truth is that true depths in the knowledge of God abases & empties the soul of any self confidence & trust. Measures of true revelations go with measures of dealings and emptying experiences under the hand of God. One cannot truly & deeply apprehend the glory of God and not be slain by the revelation of his glory. Isaiah saw his glory and spontaneously saw his wretchedness & unworthiness and declared "woe is me! for I a

What In The Name Of Jesus Are We Preaching Today?

Do preachers and teachers even know that they will give account of every vain thing they preached or taught in the name of Jesus? Is it not why scripture warns against many becoming/desiring to be teachers, taking up teaching as a profession; teaching what they ought not to, saying & affirming things they neither know nor understand? Again is it not why scripture warns that the judgment of teachers will be stricter and they will receive the greater condemnation if they offend in word? James 3:1-2 and 1st Timothy 1:7. Do the preachers/teachers of today even know that it is an offence to wrongly teach/present the word of God; that in doing so, God is dishonoured & not hallowed, Christ is misrepresented & the people of God are misdirected & misled? To wrongly divide & make a mess of the word of truth is a very grave & costly thing. Is it not why Paul in one of his epistles to Timothy warned him thus: "Give heed to thyself and to what you're teaching; conti

Firstfruit Is Biblical.

Couple of years ago as a young believer i met a young man from a certain denomination known for the prosperity gospel, and he said to me that do i know that he can teach on money from Genesis to Revelation, that he can literally use every single verse of the bible to teach about money, even verses in the book of Revelation which talk about the endtime.  I marvelled at the audacity/temerity of his brazen foolishness. He had been wrongly discipled in a denomination led by a man who claims that God called & commissioned him to make his people rich, so he himself boasts in a supposed ability to twist every verse of scripture & make them talk about nothing but money.  This is exactly what the covetous preachers who emphasise firstfruits do, they weave & twist what the bible teaches on the subject, turning it into people's first salary/income for the year which must be brought to the building they call church/house of God.  Yes firstfruit is biblical but the tragedy is what c