The Absolute & Exclusive Spiritual Headship Of Christ.

The Absolute & Exclusive Spiritual Headship Of Christ.

Ephesians 1:22 "And has put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church..." 

Christ is the only one whom God gave(appointed) to be the head over the church, and his headship over the church is in all things; there is thus no place for any man to claim spiritual headship over the church. 

There is no one scripture which speaks of or even gives a hint of an apostle, prophet, teacher etc. being appointed or given of God to be a spiritual head or covering over God's people(the church). 

Christ is the head over all things to the church/assembly which is his body; thus even in the relationship which exists in the body, scripture tells us that Christ is the head of every man and the man is the head of the woman. 

It is such that even the woman in the body(church) who is without a man(a father or a husband over her), is yet not without a spiritual head/covering for Christ is the head in all things and over all things to the church. 

How come some preachers today claim spiritual headship/covering over God's people as though the church/assembly is their body? 

Claiming to be a spiritual head or covering over the church/assembly of God's people is usurping or taking the place of Christ, who is the one and only head of the body.

It is a very subtle rebellion against the headship of Christ, inspired by satan and entrenched in the present day church system, which has many men as spiritual heads over the churches/assemblies of God's people.

Such a rebellion is the greatest/peak of every rebellion against God and what is of Him, for it is a rebellion against the Lord Jesus which goes as far as trying to dislodge him in his place of deepest/closest & most intimate fellowship/union as the Head of the body.  

To think that men today have the audacity and temerity to claim spiritual headship over the church/people of God is a tragic thought the apostles of the early church would cringe at, much more the institution & general practice of such a grievous error in our immense disaster upon the souls of men in fellowship with such rebellion.

Beloved, if the assembly you find yourself in is that which a mortal man claims spiritual headship and covering over, be not partaker of such a rebellious, religious organisation. Run for your dear life and precious soul.

As a minister can be a partaker of other's sins by carelessly laying hands on every head he sees in the name of impartation, so the congregants can become partaker of the rebellion of the minister by having him lay hands on them.

"Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure." - 1st Timothy 5:22.


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