Service Is Not Complete Without Money Offering?

I know you must have heard some say that service is not complete without 'money offering', that you are not to appear before God empty handed.

Do you know the implication of such an assertion in the light of scriptures in the new testament?

It means our priestly service to God is not complete without offering money. Very grievous words!

Many carelessly & ignorantly make such statements not knowing the implications thereof.

Scripture clearly shows that whatever we offer to God in our priestly service is by Christ Jesus; whether we offer praise, thanksgiving, prayer, doing good by the communication of our substance, it is by Christ and it is acceptable to God by Christ. See Hebrews 13:15 & 1st Peter 2:5.

Now scripture also shows that we are complete in Christ(Colossians 2:10), and this is not by anything we did or could do but by the grace of God which has placed us in Christ, so whatever priestly service we offer to God by him is complete. 

When we offer praises or thanksgiving, which is the calves of our lips, by him in whom we are complete, our priestly service is complete and wholly acceptable to God. 

For one to say that our service is not complete without offering money, quoting from the old testament that we are not to appear before God empty handed, is gross ignorance and a very careless statement which is grievous to the Lord.

The implication of such a grievous statement is that the calves of our lips(sacrifices of praise, thanksgiving or prayer) we offer to God by Christ is not complete and not acceptable to God until we offer money. Blasphemy!

Only covetousness & the worship of mammon could have inspired such a wicked & ungodly thought, which is not only unscriptural but also an insult to the Spirit of Grace.

Hebrews 10:28-31 speaks of the severe judgment that awaits those who do despite to the Spirit of Grace & take/count the blood of the covenant whereby they were sanctified as an unwholesome thing.

Anything that suggests that the ultimate sacrifice of Christ on the cross is not enough/complete, and that we need to do or give something to have our service to God complete and acceptable to him, is counting the blood of Christ an unwholesome/unholy thing. 

That means the blood of Christ is not complete enough to serve as the only basis of the acceptance of our service to God.

It is this wicked & grievous thought that has inspired & informed the practice of those doing even online service/prayer sessions, to always take money offering, as though the service or prayer the people of God render to God is not complete until they give a money offering or sow a monetary seed.

The most deceptive thing in the midst of all these, is what they call results or testimonies. 

Very few christians today have learnt from scripture, that people can be doing what is grievous to the Lord and what is a dishonour to his name and still have results, miracles and testimonies. 

Moses did a grievous thing to the Lord which cost him entry into the promised land, yet he had abundant result/miracle which was a testimony of wonder; scripture says the water flowed out of the rock abundantly when he struck it, contrary to the word of the Lord. Please read Numbers 20:7-12 & Deuteronomy 32:48-52.

The word of God was despised, God was dishonoured as grossly misrepresented by his servant Moses and not sanctified before the people, yet the water abundantly flowed out of the rock and the people drank copiously from it. 

They had their result, testimony of divine provision in abundance & their need was more than met yet God was displeased.

May God deliver his people from being deceived by results, testimonies and miracles in the midst of something displeasing & grievous to the Lord.

May God deliver his people from enemies of the cross of Christ, who present the ultimate sacrifice/blood of Christ as unwholesome and incomplete, and may the Lord recover as many amongst them who will repent of the evil they are doing in the name of ministry.


Anonymous said…
Wow! This is thought provoking. Christians need to be careful what they hear from so called men of God. They need to know the Bible for themselves in order not to be deceived.
Exactly! That's very vital. Thanks for reading.

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