
Showing posts from June, 2024

Horrors Of False Testimony In Ministry As Set Against True Testimony.

Horrors Of False Testimony In Ministry As Set Against True Testimony. False testimony in essence, is marked with exaggerations and distortions of truth. Even where Christ is preached but not according to the truth as it is in the scriptures of truth, there you have false testimony of Christ and those bearing or preaching such a testimony are thus false witnesses. In 1st Corinthians 15:14-15, the apostle says: "but if Christ is not raised, then, indeed, our preaching is vain, and your faith also is vain. And we are found also false witnesses of God; for we have witnessed concerning God that he raised Christ, whom he has not raised if indeed those that are dead are not raised." If in preaching Christ, we make exaggerations in a bid to promote the cause of christianity upon the earth, making it appealing, attractive and acceptable to men, we are preaching a false testimony and are false witnesses of God. False testimony is thus never to the honour or glory of God but to his dish

Praying In The Name Of The God Of One Preacher Or Another.

Praying In The Name Of The God Of One Preacher Or Another. There's absolutely no scripture that shows where any believer or church saint appealed to or prayed in the name of the God of any minister/preacher of the gospel like calling upon the God of Paul, the God of Peter or the God of John.  The only place something close to that played out in the days of the early church, is in the case of the sons of Sceva, who tried to cast out a wicked spirit in the name of the Jesus whom Paul preaches ie. The Jesus of Paul; clearly showing they had no personal revelation or relationship with Jesus, but merely appealing to the Jesus of Paul to have the same results Paul has when he prays in the name of Jesus. Acts 19:13-16.  No man who has a personal revelation of Christ and relationship with God as Father will stand praying in the name of the God of any minister like praying in the name of the God of Paul or in the name of the God of Peter, even Peter and Paul would rebuke such nonsense if th

Who Are Those That Have The Rule Over You?

The Dangerous Assumption That Whatever Your Pastor Tells You To Do Must Be The Holy Spirit Telling You To Do It. Heard a popular pastor quoting a fragment of the 17th verse of Hebrews 13 & doing so out of context, to buttress a dangerous point, which is that whatever your pastor tells you, whether you are persuaded by the Holy Spirit or not, just do it.  This he did, asserting that whatever your pastor tells you to do must be the Holy Spirit telling you to do that. Those who have the rule over you are simply those who have spoken the word of God to you as clearly written by the apostle in an earlier verse(vs. 7) of the same Hebrews 13 👇🏼  "Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation." Earlier in chapter 2:3 he had written about the so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord himself, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him.  Them tha

Octave Of Redemption & Salvation On The Octave Of June.

Today is the octave of June being the 8th day. On this day, many years ago I came into this world crying, as born of a woman; born into sin & the ruins of the fallen race of mankind. If one should ask me: "what do you think is the purpose for which you were born, the reason for which you came into this world"? Without taking a second thought I would say it is the Lord's salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.The purpose for which I was born and the reason for my existence is the glory of his salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. This divine purpose for my life and existence has been made known & disclosed to me in divers manners, through visions and revelations in the scriptures of truth. I woke up this day and was led of God into meditations on the glory of his redemption and salvation in Christ. How what he wrought for us in Christ is infinitely beyond just a restoration of what was lost or man's restoration to his former estate/glory in

The Right Spirit In Giving & The Error Of Sowing To Tap Into Anointing.

The Right Spirit In Giving & The Error Of Sowing To Tap Into Anointing. Giving with the motive of being lifted in exchange for what you gave is a transactional spirit & wrong. That transactional spirit is wrong even when the motive is for spiritual lifting/empowerment.  Simon the sorcerer who believed, was baptized and continued with Philip the evangelist, gave transactionally when the apostles Peter & John came to Samaria; mind you he gave a money seed not for material lifting/empowerment but for the spiritual, yet he was judged as caught up in a wrong spirit by thinking that the gift of God can be bought or imparted in exchange for a money seed. Peter said to him: "your heart is not right with God.  Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and supplicate the Lord, if indeed the thought of thy heart may be forgiven thee". See Acts 8:18-23. In other words, the very thought that one can sow a money seed & tap into or receive spiritual impartation in exchange, i