The Right Spirit In Giving & The Error Of Sowing To Tap Into Anointing.

The Right Spirit In Giving & The Error Of Sowing To Tap Into Anointing.

Giving with the motive of being lifted in exchange for what you gave is a transactional spirit & wrong.

That transactional spirit is wrong even when the motive is for spiritual lifting/empowerment. 

Simon the sorcerer who believed, was baptized and continued with Philip the evangelist, gave transactionally when the apostles Peter & John came to Samaria; mind you he gave a money seed not for material lifting/empowerment but for the spiritual, yet he was judged as caught up in a wrong spirit by thinking that the gift of God can be bought or imparted in exchange for a money seed.

Peter said to him: "your heart is not right with God. 

Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and supplicate the Lord, if indeed the thought of thy heart may be forgiven thee". See Acts 8:18-23.

In other words, the very thought that one can sow a money seed & tap into or receive spiritual impartation in exchange, is a wrong and evil thought which one must repent of, for it pollutes the heart with a wrong motive.

The right spirit in giving is mercy, which even in the law was a weightier matter than all the tithes & offerings of the old covenant. Matthew 23:23.

We are to give as an expression of mercy, love for God & for his people, faith in God & never for gains or lifting whether material or spiritual.


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