
Showing posts from February, 2019


I SEE THEM HIDING THEIR FACES. By Mike Bamiloye. God will not look at our Stupidity and Foolishness of the Church caused majorly by Self-concocted undivined Prophesies and self-centered Pronouncement of some 'Men of God', to allow this nation in the hand of Scavengers and Vultures who would devour the flesh of the Masses and leave the bones to dry in the sun. HE WILL HAVE MERCY. We are confused. We are blinded by our Religious Leaders who profess to speak in the name of the Lord but speaking out of their greedy minds and prodigal hearts. They stand at the Altar to swerve the hearts of their Congregants in the way of  their covetous and spiritual blinded hearts. When the Church is in Darkness, how shall the land be lightened? Are we not supposed to carry the light for the World to see? But Alas, we have been derailed by many of those who are suppose to lead us with the Burning Touch of Biblical Truth. What does the Bible say about Covetousness and Greed? They have f...

Divine Intervention And Intercession.

Divine Intervention And Intercession.  While here on earth, Jesus intervened on Peter's behalf through intercession, when satan desired and sought to have him, to sift him as wheat. Peter did not even know about satan's scheme and plot against him; neither did he know that the Lord Jesus had intervened by interceeding for him. It took the Lord telling him to bring him into the awareness, knowledge and faith of his intervention and intercession for him. Luke 22:31-32. The HolySpirit who is now here on earth with us as our helper/comforter, just as Jesus was with the disciples; also intervenes on our behalf. He helps our weaknesses and infirmities by making intercession for us, and his intercession for us is according to the will of God.  Romans 8:26-27 "Likewise the Spirit also helps our infirmities, for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit makes intercession for us with groaning which cannot be uttered. And he that searches the heart...

Why Come Pleading And Cowering To Cover Yourself With The Blood?

Why Come Pleading And Cowering To Cover Yourself With The Blood? There are so many things we ask for in prayers, which yet have already been provided for us by God; and in his mind as delivered to us in scriptures, he wants us to see that these things are already ours and at our disposal by faith in Christ. The condition of our mind in coming to God matters a great deal, for without faith it is impossible to please God, and he that must come to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. God in his word has revealed his mind to us, to recondition our own minds, and to enable us come to reason with him, to reason alike with him, and to see things the way he sees things, to view from his own perspective that we might be agreeable with him. Two cannot work together except they agree. A mind of faith is a mind that agrees with the mind of God as revealed in the word of God. God cannot be pleased with our pleas and tears/cries for things he ...

The Greatest Open Door.

The Greatest Open Door. The revelation of the greatest open door and the key to it, lies in the very words of the Lord Jesus to the church in Laodicea, in Revelation 3:20 "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." Words so often used by evangelicals in preaching to the lost, yet very solemn and very revealing words of the Lord Jesus to his church/assembly; revealing a very sorry state of the church in which her Lord and Master is now outside and knocking on the door, to appeal to the heart and conscience of all who will hear and open, that he might come in and take his rightful place. We are indisputably the Laodicean church age; we must come to see and admit that we are Laodicea, it's never been so bad in the history of professed christendom. We are the lukewarm church, a church full of mere profession and confession. Like the Laodicean church, we are dangerousl...

The Church Of Christ And The Church Of Men.

Ninyo Omidiji Did you know? The "Organized church" is not essentially the same as the Church of Christ.  For many, and for the most part,  the difference between the Church of Christ (the Organic Church) and Church Organizations (religious organizations of men) is blurry. Here is an attempt to make some distinctions between the two.  However this is not exhaustive but it can help someone to know where he truly belongs.   By way of introduction, It is possible to belong in the church organization and not be a member of the church of Christ. It is also possible to be a member of the church of Christ and you aren't registered with any church organization. Hard truth!   I hate to admit that much of what dot our landscape today is not the church of Christ. They are organizations.   Church organizations are registered on earth with the Corporate Affairs Commission of the governments of the earth, while the church of ...

We The Nigerian People.

We The Nigerian People. I stopped blaming the government, i stopped blaming our weak institutions, i stopped blaming the past, i stopped blaming the old political ruling class,  when i discovered that the problem is Me, Yes We! The Nigerian people; who over the years have refused to learn from the past. We the Nigerian people who love our slave masters so dearly and are ready to die defending them. We the Nigerian people who would risk our lives to go to the polls of elections fraught with violence, only to vote in the same men who over the years have taken us for a ride, keeping our land in perpetual penury and darkness. We the Nigerian people who are swayed in any direction money goes, struggling for peanuts like peasant farmers, while those who have squandered our nation's resources take us as dogs in dire need of the crumbs from their tables.  We the Nigerian people who are so used to slavery and have become faithless, hopeless, and fail to see any possib...

The History & Idolatry Of The Veneration of Saint Valentine.

The History & Idolatry Of The Veneration of Saint Valentine. Where we fail to learn from history, the mistakes of the past; the pitfalls of our fathers become our dwelling places and tombs we eventually get buried in. Worse still, where the history of what transpired in the past is not known, we live in utter ignorance and blindness of soul, not actually knowing where we are and where we are going. The pendulum of the trend sways the simple, but the wise seek to know why the trend, and what it is all about than to merely/sheepishly follow without asking questions. Today all over the world, what is trending is Valentine's day with the greeting of happy Val's day flying across the skies and airwaves. A social trend of the day, which however has it's roots in an ancient religious rite/ritual. Who was Valentine, and how did he become associated with this religious rite? The Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, ...