The Greatest Open Door.
The Greatest Open Door.
The revelation of the greatest open door and the key to it, lies in the very words of the Lord Jesus to the church in Laodicea, in Revelation 3:20 "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."
Words so often used by evangelicals in preaching to the lost, yet very solemn and very revealing words of the Lord Jesus to his church/assembly; revealing a very sorry state of the church in which her Lord and Master is now outside and knocking on the door, to appeal to the heart and conscience of all who will hear and open, that he might come in and take his rightful place.
We are indisputably the Laodicean church age; we must come to see and admit that we are Laodicea, it's never been so bad in the history of professed christendom. We are the lukewarm church, a church full of mere profession and confession. Like the Laodicean church, we are dangerously rich, increased with the world's goods, and have need of nothing, while the Lord who is the beginning of God's creation(the one by whom and for whom all things were made) is outside.
However, in the midst of the spiritual blindness, wretchedness, nakedness, poverty and misery we're in, the Lord stands by the door of our hearts and knocks. If any man hears and opens, he said he will come in; he will not hesitate to come in to heal and restore us; he will not hesitate to come into our wretchedness, into our poor and miserable state.
The greatest open door lies in those words: "if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."
What could be greater than to have the Lord himself come in to us, and not merely coming in, but to sup/dine with us? What could be greater than such level of intimacy that heals, recovers and restores us to himself?
The key to this open door, lies in hearing his voice and opening our hearts to him: "if any man hear my voice and open"; thus the greatest open door we can have as the bride/church of Christ, lies in our ability to hear/discern his voice, even the whispers of his voice, and to open our hearts to receive whatever he has to say.
Little wonder why a certain song writer wrote thus as he was inspired by the HolySpirit:
" Be still my soul,
Though battles round you rage & roar
One thing you need and nothing more
To hear the whisper of your Lord".
The revelation of the greatest open door and the key to it, lies in the very words of the Lord Jesus to the church in Laodicea, in Revelation 3:20 "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."
Words so often used by evangelicals in preaching to the lost, yet very solemn and very revealing words of the Lord Jesus to his church/assembly; revealing a very sorry state of the church in which her Lord and Master is now outside and knocking on the door, to appeal to the heart and conscience of all who will hear and open, that he might come in and take his rightful place.
We are indisputably the Laodicean church age; we must come to see and admit that we are Laodicea, it's never been so bad in the history of professed christendom. We are the lukewarm church, a church full of mere profession and confession. Like the Laodicean church, we are dangerously rich, increased with the world's goods, and have need of nothing, while the Lord who is the beginning of God's creation(the one by whom and for whom all things were made) is outside.
However, in the midst of the spiritual blindness, wretchedness, nakedness, poverty and misery we're in, the Lord stands by the door of our hearts and knocks. If any man hears and opens, he said he will come in; he will not hesitate to come in to heal and restore us; he will not hesitate to come into our wretchedness, into our poor and miserable state.
The greatest open door lies in those words: "if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."
What could be greater than to have the Lord himself come in to us, and not merely coming in, but to sup/dine with us? What could be greater than such level of intimacy that heals, recovers and restores us to himself?
The key to this open door, lies in hearing his voice and opening our hearts to him: "if any man hear my voice and open"; thus the greatest open door we can have as the bride/church of Christ, lies in our ability to hear/discern his voice, even the whispers of his voice, and to open our hearts to receive whatever he has to say.
Little wonder why a certain song writer wrote thus as he was inspired by the HolySpirit:
" Be still my soul,
Though battles round you rage & roar
One thing you need and nothing more
To hear the whisper of your Lord".