We The Nigerian People.
We The Nigerian People.
I stopped blaming the government, i stopped blaming our weak institutions, i stopped blaming the past, i stopped blaming the old political ruling class, when i discovered that the problem is Me, Yes We! The Nigerian people; who over the years have refused to learn from the past.
We the Nigerian people who love our slave masters so dearly and are ready to die defending them. We the Nigerian people who would risk our lives to go to the polls of elections fraught with violence, only to vote in the same men who over the years have taken us for a ride, keeping our land in perpetual penury and darkness.
We the Nigerian people who are swayed in any direction money goes, struggling for peanuts like peasant farmers, while those who have squandered our nation's resources take us as dogs in dire need of the crumbs from their tables.
We the Nigerian people who are so used to slavery and have become faithless, hopeless, and fail to see any possibility of freedom from our chains.
We the Nigerian people who don't value integrity, uprightness and competence enough to stand for it, but are so ready and apt to unashamedly support and stand for unscrupulous and perfidious characters.
O foolish and faithless Nigerians that we have become, who bewitched us that we should not wake up to reality? How are we still divided between voting in the same old political gladiators, who over the years have kept our nation in bondage?
Have we not complained in the past, that young people have been sidelined from the politics of the nation?
Now we have young and competent men in the race, but we have already written them off even before the start of the race. We are Nigeria, and Nigeria cannot change until we change our mindset and get ready to truly embrace change.