The Absolute & Exclusive Spiritual Headship Of Christ.
The Absolute & Exclusive Spiritual Headship Of Christ. Ephesians 1:22 "And has put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church..." Christ is the only one whom God gave(appointed) to be the head over the church, and his headship over the church is in all things; there is thus no place for any man to claim spiritual headship over the church. There is no one scripture which speaks of or even gives a hint of an apostle, prophet, teacher etc. being appointed or given of God to be a spiritual head or covering over God's people(the church). Christ is the head over all things to the church/assembly which is his body; thus even in the relationship which exists in the body, scripture tells us that Christ is the head of every man and the man is the head of the woman. It is such that even the woman in the body(church) who is without a man(a father or a husband over her), is yet not without a spiritual head/covering for Christ is t...