Horrors Of Self Will & Rebellion Against The Word Of The Lord In Ministry.

Horrors Of Self Will & Rebellion Against The Word Of The Lord In Ministry.

When you hear that an anointed preacher full of his own ways/order in ministry & takes lightly the issue of precision in teaching & keeping the words of God, is now given to sorcery & witchcraft, it should come as no surprise.

When you hear that an anointed religious leader who is self willed and plays down on erroneous doctrines, not taking it as anything grievous, is now into occultic practices, you should not be surprised.
Here's why👇🏼

1st Samuel 15:23
For rebellion is as the sin of divination, And selfwill is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of Jehovah, He hath also rejected thee from being king.

1st Chronicles 10:13
And Saul died for his unfaithfulness which he committed against Jehovah, because of the word of Jehovah which he kept not, and also for having inquired of the spirit of Python, asking counsel of it.

Do the Lord's people know how disobedience to the word of the Lord, how unfaithfulness in handling the word of God is a grievous rebellion which empties & opens up even a man anointed of God to sorcery, witchcraft & consultations with strange spirits?

Saul trifled with the word of Jehovah in partial obedience to his instructions and saw no big deal in it, saw no need to repent of that. He continued as king over the Lord's people as though nothing happened yet he had through  rebellion to God's word, opened a wide door to satan & the depths of satan. 

Not long after he is found functioning under the influence of an evil spirit, and even prophesying by it.

Not long after, he is found consulting a diviner/sorcerer who functions by the spirit of Python.

A king anointed of God now functioning & prophesying under the influence of an evil spirit and consulting devils?

Yes! In his partial obedience & light esteem of God's word, he had sown the seed of this evil path he was now threading on.

Rebellion against God breeds on the ground of self will. It's impossible for a man who is self willed to be a true servant/steward of God(Titus 1:7).

A man who is self-willed will most spontaneously do what he wants/prefers either in utter disregard or partial obedience to God's word. Partial obedience is just as bad as no obedience at all. 
Saul lightly esteemed the word of the Lord & took for granted the implications of his disobedience even when the gravity/weight of it was disclosed to him.

The prophet Samuel, by the Spirit of the Lord had rightly diagnosed & spelt out the grave implication of trifling with the word of Jehovah to Saul 👇🏽

For rebellion is as the sin of divination, And selfwill is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of Jehovah, He hath also rejected thee from being king. 1st Samuel 15:23

He had been rejected of God from being king yet he was still king over the people of God, just how many ministers have the Lord rejected from being leaders/overseers taking oversight of his people, who are yet overseers over God's people, still in active ministry but like Saul, now functioning and prophesying under the influence of an evil spirit and even consulting diviners & strange spirits?

Can the people of God discern the anointed Sauls in leadership over them, who are anointed of God but now functioning by an evil spirit & by divination?


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