The Tragedy Of A Dead Assembly(Church).

The presence of God is with and dwells in the individual believer in Christ, in the person of the Holy Spirit.

The tragedy is in believers living from day to day without any consciousness of the Holy Spirit who is with them and lives in them. 

An assembly of believers who do not live & walk in the consciousness of the indwelling Holy Spirit who is with them and in them, is a "dead" assembly/church. 

This is the very word the Lord Jesus used to describe the sad spiritual state of the assembly/church in Sardis where he revealed himself as he that has the seven Spirits of God: 👇🏽

"And to the angel of the assembly in Sardis write: These things saith he that has the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars: I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, but art dead."

Revelation 3:1.

A state of spiritual death/deadness found not in the world but in the assembly/church of Christ, it is thus a very abnormal condition.

Imagine a dead assembly/church/candlestick yet he that has the Seven Spirits of God which are the Seven lamps of fire burning before the throne of God(Rev 4:5) is in their midst. 

Worse still is the falsehood & deception such an assembly/church is found in; having/bearing the name of a living church when in actuality, it's a spiritually dead assembly.

They are dead not necessarily because their is no life in them(though there be evidence of empty/lifeless profession amongst them); neither are they dead because the Lord is not in their midst but simply because they are spiritually unconscious, insensitive & unresponsive to the Holy Spirit and the Lord Jesus who is in their midst as he who has the seven Spirits of God(the fullness of the Spirit of God).

It is the Spirit that quickens and the risen & glorified Lord as the last Adam is a life giving Spirit, would he be in the midst of his people as he that has the fullness of the Spirit of God and they be yet found as dead & even declared as such by He Himself?

If they are dead it simply shows that they are disconnected from him who is the fountain of life, and there are many assemblies today where there is a huge disconnect from Christ who is the head of the body, as the people are espoused to men, their 'man of God' or 'spiritual father' & not to the one husband of the bride church, which is Christ; conscious, alive, sensitive & responsive to their religious papas & insensitive/unresponsive to the Spirit of the Lord. They are thus spiritually dead.

A terrible spiritual state which the apostle Paul also describes in his epistle to the church in Ephesus, where he wrote thus:

"Wherefore he says, Wake up, thou that sleepest, and arise from among the dead, and Christ shall shine upon thee." Ephesians 5:14

The assembly/church of the living & life giving Christ among the dead & reckoned as dead for spiritual laxity & insensitivity.

The call is for us to wake up from sleeping(from a state of spiritual slumber, laxity, insensitivity & unconsciousness). 

The call is for us to arise from among the dead, to separate ourselves from spiritual deadness/death wherever & in whomever it is found.

It is only as we heed this call, that Christ (the life giver) will shine upon us the light of life in the fullness of his resurrection power.

Oh that we might know Him & the power of His resurrection!


Good one, but the Source of this death is the non enthronement of the Anointer and Giver of both the Son and the Holy Spirit in the Assembly of His own children, for whom He gave up His dear Firstborn, to Redeem, Reconcile and Restore us to Himself according to Collosians 1:12-15 and Hebrews 2:10-12

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