A Subtle Foundation Of Subversion & Destruction Laid By Two False Apostles, Wresting/Twisting Scriptures/Epistles Written By Paul.
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Two So Called Apostles Of The Same Kind & Similar Names/Initials.
There has been a recent wave of tales of men/preachers who have infiltrated the ranks of church leadership with serious apostolic pretensions, yet scripturally bankrupt, bereft of truth, and infact inspired of satan himself to attack scriptures clearly inspired/breathed in by God & thus destroy the foundation of ancient words of truth delivered to the church.
Just as satan followed up Jesus immediately after the descent of the HolySpirit upon him at Jordan, to tempt him in the wilderness, this satanic onslaught against the church of Christ started very early, soon after the inception of the church at Pentecost, with the HolyGhost sent down from heaven; however, it's now coming to a climax in these final hours of the last days of the church on earth.
We've seen a satanic inspired onslaught against the epistles penned by the apostle Paul, whom God endowed with wisdom as a wise master builder and used to lay much of the foundation of the church.
The Lord who is the chief cornerstone and builder of his church, having begun with Peter, to whom he gave the keys of the kingdom to open both to Jews at Pentecost and to Gentiles in the house of Cornelius, apprehended a certain Saul(Paul) who greatly persecuted and wasted the church and used the same vessel to lay much of the foundation of the church.
It is no surprise seeing Peter acknowledge the grace given to Paul and the wisdom God gave him in writing most of the epistles/revelations of the new testament, not only to assemblies/churches in gentile nations but also to the Jews in diaspora.
Peter in his only epistle wrote only to the Jews in diaspora, but Paul wrote many epistles to the assemblies/churches in gentile nations and also to the Jews in diaspora. Peter in his epistle thus acknowledges the wisdom of a wise master builder/architect given to Paul by the Lord for the building of his church.
The foundation of the church was laid by Peter and the apostles of Christ & by extension, by Paul, who Christ apprehended from glory & used as his chosen vessel to lay much of the foundation of the church; revealing the church as the body of Christ, the fellowship & administration of the mystery of the body of Christ whereby gentiles are made joint heirs, a joint body and joint partakers of God's promise in Christ. - See Ephesians 2:20 & 3:5-9.
Peter and other apostles acknowledged the grace of God in Paul & gave him the righthand of fellowship - Galatians 2:9.
It is the foundation of the church laid by these chosen apostles of Christ, that false apostles today are attacking, to destroy it and lay their own destructive foundation of rebellion against inspired scriptures of truth.
Paul's Warning Against False Builders Who Are Actually Destroyers Of The Temple/Building(People) Of God.
In 1st Corinthians 3:10-11, Paul says "According to the grace of God which has been given to me, as a wise architect, I have laid the foundation, but another builds upon it. But let each see how he builds upon it. For other foundation can no man lay besides that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ."
He goes on to warn against building upon this foundation which is Christ, with inferior materials such as wood, straw, grass which will not abide the test of fire(vs.12-15).
However, in the 17th verse he speaks of those who are actually destroyers & not builders even though they profess to be such; such do not build at all on the one foundation(Christ), but destroy the temple/building itself by laying, in their own wisdom/wisdom of this world, their own foundation/foundations of men other than the one foundation which God has prescribed, provided and set as the head/chief cornerstone of the church.
In this same epistle to the assembly in Corinth, we see these men of worldly wisdom in the church, contrary & opposed to the wisdom God gave Paul as a wise master builder/architect.
Carnal men unable to receive the things of the Spirit, living by worldly wisdom, walking after men, judging by sight & complaining about Paul's letters being so weighty, while his presence(physical stature) & speech they judged as weak and contemptible.
These were men to whom the gospel of the glory of Christ contained in Paul's epistles was veiled; in the church and even in the ranks of church leadership yet lost, of whom Paul said if our gospel is veiled it is veiled to those who are lost - See 1st Corinthians 3:3; 2nd Corinthians 4:3 & 10:10.
In chapter 11 of 2nd Corinthians, Paul goes on to expose these carnal/ungodly men in the church as deceitful workers, and those of them who have infiltrated the ranks of leadership in the church, he exposed to be nothing but false apostles, who have succeeded in transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. Obviously a mere external/outward transformation, appearing & looking like apostles of Christ, speaking smooth/good words and fair speeches & thus deceiveing the hearts of the simple, unsuspecting & undiscerning.
2nd Corinthians 11:13-15.
Thank God it's not only Paul himself that bore witness of these carnal men who were contrary and opposed to his epistles/writings which contain foundational doctrines of the church.
It pleased God also to inspire Peter to also make mention of these men who twist/wrest the writings/epistles of Paul as well as other scriptures. 👇🏼
"Account the longsuffering of our Lord to be salvation; according as our beloved brother Paul also has written to you according to the wisdom given to him, as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; among which some things are hard to be understood, which the untaught and ill-established wrest, as also the other scriptures, to their own destruction." 2nd Peter 3:15-16.
Peter was writing to Jews in diaspora(1st Peter 1:1) established in the present truth(the truth of christianity, having transited from Judaism - 2nd Peter 1:12), and in his epistle to them, he acknowledges that Paul, whom he called our beloved brother, had also written to them.
In John 6:34-35 Jesus acknowledged the writings of David in the psalms as scripture, when he quoted from the psalms and said the scriptures cannot be broken; he also acknowledged and referred to it as the word/communication/message of God which came to the people/children of Israel.
Apostle Peter in his epistle, acknowledged Paul's writings as scripture when he said the unlearned & unstable wrest/twist Paul's writings as they do other scriptures but about 2,000 years after, here comes a certain so called, self made/self styled 'apostle', whose name is not even worthy to be mentioned, asserting that many of the things Paul said/wrote in the bible are wrong.
How so repulsive to heaven is such a vain assertion, what an open blasphemy by one parading himself to be a bible preacher.
To think that such a man is still active & busy in ministry and ministerial engagements, receiving preaching invitations from one assembly to another, is all the more repulsive and highlights the terrible state of spiritual decay, decadence and insensitivity in what is called church today.
There is the case of another untaught & unstable self made apostle like him, who, like the carnal men in Corinth, judged Paul's letters as weighty and even asserted that Peter was confused about Paul's writings and warned believers against his epistles.
Note: One false apostle judged Paul's letters as weighty while the other judged Paul's speech as being weak & fraught with errors. The carnal men in the church in Corinth did both, so scripture is still being fulfilled/playing out before our eyes.
These so called apostles fail to acknowledge Paul's writings as scripture, but we have seen in scripture even as clearly acknowledged by apostle Peter, that Paul's writings is scripture thus for a so called apostle to claim and assert that many things Paul said/wrote are wrong, he is in essence saying that many scriptures in the new testament are wrong and not inspired of God/God-breathed, seeing that Paul wrote more than two third of the epistles in the new testament.
If many things he wrote are wrong, then many of the epistles of the new testament are wrong and should be discarded.
If you notice, Peter said the unlearned/untaught and unstable/ill-established, wrest/twist Paul's writings just as they do other scriptures.
You can't denigrate one scripture without such implying a denigration of all other scriptures.
The so called apostle asserting that many things Paul wrote are wrong, premised his assertion on the fact that Paul was an imperfect man liable to mistakes. Such a very misleading & satanic teaching implies that many things in all scriptures are wrong for they were all written by frail/imperfect human vessels prone to mistakes.
I've heard many untaught preachers like these false apostles say things like "you can't compare the words of Jesus with the words of Paul: where the words of Paul conflicts with the words of Jesus, discard what Paul said".
Such statements are so appalling and sickening, coming from the vain thoughts/minds of men who seek to create a dichotomy that does not exist in scripture, as though the words of Jesus are God-breathed inspired scriptures while the words/writings of Paul are just Paul's own thoughts/imaginations and not God-breathed/inspired scriptures.
Come to think of it, even the words spoken by Jesus as captured in the gospels were written by human vessels ie. the apostles who were with him in the days of his flesh, so if their susceptibility to making mistakes as frail human vessels, implies that many things they wrote were wrong, then even the words we see spoken by Jesus in their account of the gospels, might also be wrong and not actually what Jesus said.
For their imperfection & liableness to mistakes, it's very possible that most of the things they wrote as things Jesus said in the days of his flesh with them, were wrongly captured & fraught with mistakes, errors & inconsistencies.
A denigration of one scripture is in essence a denigration of all scriptures as God- breathed/inspired of God.
The sad thing is that many in the church in Nigeria don't even understand the gravity of the foundational error being laid in the doctrinal attack of Pauline epistles by these two men.
Being burdened, i was thus led to write as i will yet write on this issue; even without mentioning names, he that reads will understand & take heed lest he be led away by the error of the wicked, and fall from his own steadfastness - 2nd Peter 3:17-18.
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