What God Cannot Do Does Not Exist". Is It Scriptural?
"What God Cannot Do Does Not Exist". Is It Scriptural? Frankly speaking, the theme 'What God Cannot Do Does Not Exist' is absolutely vague & unscriptural. The two scriptures which some quote in trying to explain the import of the theme are actually saying a different thing both textually & contextually. One is premised on the will of God as the jurisdiction in which nothing is impossible, the other explains the character of the word/declaration from God's mouth as that which is not void of power to come to pass/bring to pass what it says. 1.) The first scripture is Matthew 19:26 and it reads: "But Jesus, looking on them , said to them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." • The preposition "with" used in the text is "para" in the greek & can be translated as: from, of, at, by, besides or near. "Para" denotes nearness; in the vicinity of. So we can say in the vicinity of God all thi...