The Subtle Attack Against The Church.
There is a serious satanic reaction & attack against the exposure of high powered network of deception, evil, wickedness & occultism in the church.
The move of the Spirit of God in the days we're in is to expose, uncover and judge so much deception, evil, wickedness & occultism that has been going on for years in the name of ministry work or 'church'; unbelievable evil, wickedness & occultism covered up with philanthropy and nice/smooth talks by religious figures/heads who walk so gently & holily like they can't even hurt a fly, yet they are ravenous wolves inside.
As God has raised his vessels he will use to expose the evil, satan has also raised vessels in the ranks of the church whom he will use to launch serious attack against the vessels God is using to expose the wickedness going on.
The wisdom for God's vessels will be not to give attention to the noise & movement hastily initiated by satan to stop the exposure of evil/wickedness in the church.
When evil or the wicked are being exposed in the church, there are people who are quick to react & assert that the church of Christ is being attacked.
May it not be that such have become ready vessels in the hands of satan to launch an attack against the move of the Spirit to expose & judge the evil/wickedness covertly going on in the midst of God's people.
When you are fighting against the exposure of evil in the church in the name of 'the church of Christ is under attack', it is not the church that you're fighting for/defending, you are rather fighting against the church.
The enemy's fight against the church is so subtle that he even uses those who are so 'zealous' for the church/body of Christ but destitute of discernment, to fight against the exposure of his wiles & strategems of deception, yet in the name of fighting for/defending the church of Christ.
The lack of true spiritual discernment & sensitivity will be very costly in these days as the spiritual conflict intensifies. Many for lack of spiritual discernment, will unwittingly become tools in the hands of the enemy, in fighting against what God is doing; trying to stop the mighty wind & move of the Spirit, but none can stand in the way or resist what God is out to do.