Where Is The Comfort That Should Be Known In The Leadership & Guidance Of The HolySpirit Today?

Many unforeseen dangers & pitfalls that would have been seen & averted, many needs unmet, many pressures & burdens unlifted, all because many ministers/pastors today have hijacked & taken over the place of the HolySpirit(the great comforter & helper) in the lives of God's people; emphasizing & prioritizing the place of a human mentor/guide over a living relationship with the HolySpirit...the awful discipleship & making of a generation of christians bereft of a real/living relationship with that One Spirit, whereby we are brought into the One body.

See what great emphasis & value the Lord himself, who is the great shepherd, places on the ministry of the HolySpirit; how so remarkable it is for him who is the great shepherd of the sheep to say it is expedient/profitable for us that he goes away, for if he goes not away the HolySpirit will not come. - John 16:7

Shouldn't the great shepherd of the sheep have continued with us on earth to physically mentor & guide us?

Why would he emphasise the coming of the HolySpirit to lead & guide us into all truth?

Oh! How he took his time to focus the attention of his apostles/disciples to the coming HolySpirit.

They were sorrowing that he was leaving them yet his emphasis was repeatedly that he was not leaving them as orphans, that he was going to send the HolySpirit from the Father.

Why do most shepherds(pastors) today preach themselves focusing the attention of the people to what they term "your man of God"?

Would a physical human mentor/guide taking the place of the HolySpirit guide/lead the people of God into all truth?

Oh! the tragedy of a christian profession today, where walking by faith has been replaced with walking by sight; where God's people tilt towards physical mentors & guides in the things of God, looking for men to follow/walk after, with little or no appeal to the person, ministry & leadership of the HolySpirit.

Amidst this leadership crisis in the church today, it is important for us to note that the true physical guide in the way of God & of the truth, is one who walks in the footsteps of the great shepherd of the sheep(Christ); one whose emphasis to the people of God, is not himself but the person, ministry & fellowship of the HolySpirit.

The true physical guides in the way of God & of the truth, are no doubt men full of the HolySpirit, men whose 'Self' is completely out of the way, men whose obsession is to commend the people of God to the Lord on whom they have believed that they might cleave unto the Lord; men who have no greater joy than seeing the people of God walking in the truth/closely with the Lord, developing and growing in a day to day living relationship & fellowship with the HolySpirit - See Acts 11:22-24; 14:22-23 & 3rd John 1:3-4.


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