
Showing posts from November, 2023

Where Is The Comfort That Should Be Known In The Leadership & Guidance Of The HolySpirit Today?

Many unforeseen dangers & pitfalls that would have been seen & averted, many needs unmet, many pressures & burdens unlifted, all because many ministers/pastors today have hijacked & taken over the place of the HolySpirit(the great comforter & helper) in the lives of God's people; emphasizing & prioritizing the place of a human mentor/guide over a living relationship with the HolySpirit...the awful discipleship & making of a generation of christians bereft of a real/living relationship with that One Spirit, whereby we are brought into the One body. See what great emphasis & value the Lord himself, who is the great shepherd, places on the ministry of the HolySpirit; how so remarkable it is for him who is the great shepherd of the sheep to say it is expedient/profitable for us that he goes away, for if he goes not away the HolySpirit will not come. - John 16:7 Shouldn't the great shepherd of the sheep have continued with us on earth to physically me...

The Error Of Compelled Obedience/Service In The Name Of "Christian Ministry".

  Where obedience or service to God is compelled by men & not flowing from a willing heart full of love and affection for the Lord, it is unreal and at best an unreasonable obedience/service. The Lord is after winning our hearts first; He does not seek/command service, obedience/loyalty first but seeks to win & flood our hearts with undying love & affection for Himself. True service in unreserved obedience/loyalty, will most spontaneously spring & flow from a heart saturated/filled with affection for the Lord. At the sea of Tiberias where Jesus manifested himself to his disciples the third time following his resurrection, the test he set before them as he engaged Peter, was a test of love/affection for Himself. It's important for us to take note of the order of that which the Lord was seeking at the Sea of Tiberias as he engaged Peter. He did not first say to Peter "feed my sheep" but rather asked these all important and fundamental questions of love: ...

Understanding Spiritual Fatherhood. "Our Father In Heaven".

Where there is little or no consciousness/awareness of the Father in heaven, the people professing to be God's people are like children bereft & destitute of true spiritual fatherhood. The phrase "Father in heaven" of course speaks of spiritual fatherhood in it's truest essence for he is a father whom we do not see yet ever present, ever loving & ever caring. The knowledge, awareness & consciousness of the Father in heaven, is so fundamental & absolute to true christian faith & walk upon the earth, that it is exclusively presented by the Lord in Matthew 23:9 as that which excludes every other context of fatherhood upon the earth, whether patriarchal, biological or ministerial.👇🏼 "And call not any one your father upon the earth; for one is your Father, he who is in the heavens." It is the knowledge of the Father in heaven supremely established in the heart, such that we walk in the consciousness & awareness that ultimately "...