Examining Failed Prophecies, Inaccurate Discernment, Misinterpretation Of Prophetic Revelations & The Will Of God.
Examining Failed Prophecies, Inaccurate Discernment, Misinterpretation Of Prophetic Revelations & The Will Of God.
(Part 1)In the wake of controversies stemming from conflicting & failed prophecies concerning our nation, a good number of people have developed a strong apathy to prophecy; a position which is worse than failure in prophetic discernment & accuracy, and even worse than susceptibility to false prophecies.
It was appalling reading some brethren teaching the people of God to focus on scripture and forget/neglect prophecy, as though scripture itself teaches us to despise or keep closed ears to prophecy.
Is it not awful to see how in trying to emphasise scripture, we have done so to the denigration & outright denial of the place of prophecy in the new testament church? Yet scripture says not to despise prophecy, but to prove all things and hold fast to that which is right.
How could one be emphasising scripture to the denigration/outright denial of what scripture says?
In Acts 11:27-30, we see prophets in the new testament church and how one of them, Agabus arose in those days & prophesied by the Spirit that there was going to be a great famine over all the inhabited earth, which also came to pass under Claudius.
This is in line with one of the things Jesus said the HolySpirit would do when he comes...."he will show or announce to you things to come".
John 16:13
Beyond the place & function of prophets in the church, we even read the apostle Paul say to the church in Corinth: "For ye can all prophesy one by one, that all may learn and all be encouraged."(1st Corinthians 14:31).
The prophetic is thus what every believer in Christ who has the HolySpirit dwelling in them is expected to function in.
Where is the place of the HolySpirit showing God's people(his church) things to come today?
Why is the church today not functioning in the prophetic, why is that things that take/overtake the world by surprise also hit us the same way?
Is it not because the Spirit is being quenched in despising prophesyings/prophecies?
Little wonder why the apostle says: "Quench not the Spirit; do not lightly esteem prophecies; but prove all things, hold fast the right"
1st Thessalonians 5:18-21.
Where is the place of the spiritual responsibility of discernment demanded of us, in proving all things, to distinguish what is right from that which is wrong?
Apart from prophecy in it's predictive element, how many things do we say, preach or teach in the name of the Word of God, which are yet not the Word of God?
Even in trying to teach about what prophecy is or should be & what it should not be, some are already teaching things in the name of the word of God, which are yet not the word of God, being not what the scripture says.
💢 Distinguishing Visions From Prophecy.
Before the immediate past president came into office, the Lord clearly spoke to us that he will be coming into office, some of us didn't like that word, but it came to pass.
As that administration was winding up, i was deeply concerned about visions i had concerning it which had not come to pass; however, my consolation rested in the fact that in sharing those visions, i never made them a "thus saith the Lord".
I knew they were not an express word from the Lord which is peremptory, but visions of my head which could be conditional revelations & not bound to come to pass.
This is where some of God's people make mistakes, if you have a vision, share it as a vision, don't make it seem or sound like an express word from the Lord.
💢 God Desires That We Get Exercised In Spiritual Discernment & Failure In Accurate Discernment Is Part Of The Learning/Training Process.
Scripture in Hebrews 5:14, says that solid/strong food or meat belongs to full-grown men/mature minds, who by reason of use or habit acquired through practise, have their senses exercised for distinguishing/discernment of both good and evil.
Earlier in chapter 4:12 the writer had said that the word of God is "living and operative, sharper than any two-edged sword, and penetrating to the division of soul and spirit, both of joints and marrow, and a discerner of thoughts and intents of the heart."
It is in being exposed to the Word of God, in giving ourselves continually to the study of all scriptures as inspired and breathed of God, that our minds are sharpened by his Word, which is sharper than any two edged sword, to accurately divide and discern between good and evil, rightly dividing the word of truth. Thus, in scriptures God sets before us both good and evil; exposing us to all manner of voices that we may learn to distinguish them.
In scripture, God spoke, the serpent(satan) spoke, angels spoke, demons spoke, the righteous spoke, vile/wicked men spoke and even an ass once spoke; yet all is God-breathed & inspired of God for our learning and training in spiritual discernment & righteousness.
As the immediate past administration came to an end, i was somewhat peeved at the visions i had which were not fulfilled, wondering why i should even have them in the first place seeing they are 'futile', but the Lord told me that they're not useless but all a part of the training process of proving all things & holding unto that which is right; that as he shows us things to come by his Spirit, he also allows us to see things which are not necessarily going to come to pass, that we may learn to distinguish them.
Scripture shows us that there could be mixture in dispensing the prophetic, so we ought to learn to separate the precious from the vile, that we may be like the mouthpiece of God - Jeremiah 15:19.
For example, Micaiah was a true prophet of the Lord, yet he was once influenced to give a wrong/false prophecy in harmony with all other prophets who were prohesying good things to the king, but when pressed upon by the king, to say the actual word from the Lord, he spoke the undiluted word that came from the Lord - 2nd Chronicles 18:11-17.