Ultimate Things In Bible Prophecy...An Introduction.

To a great extent, men love prophecy and love to be prophesied to.

They love to hear someone tell them what will happen in the future & what the future holds for them; yet the very poor attitude of men even christians, to prophetic scriptures of truth which clearly show what the future holds, and the negligence of the Spirit of truth(the HolySpirit), whom Jesus said will show us things to come, exposes a great deal of what a very complex & confused creature man has become upon the earth.

- John 16:13 & Revelation 1:1-3.

What does man really want?

Today even in christendom & in the name of Christ, man deliberately ignores the truth of scripture while vigorously & energetically pursuing lies that suit his vain religious fancy; forsaking the fountain of living waters & hewing for himself cisterns that cannot hold water.

- Jeremiah 2:13.

How in the name of christianity & many so called prophetic christian programs, are the ultimate things in bible prophecy, concerning the future & destiny of all things, no longer in view in the church today?

Why has a charade of the prophetic taken center stage today with many christian congregations being entertained by so called prophets & teachers, prophesying & teaching things which have nothing to do with bible prophecy?

Howcome much of what the church today has been espoused to in the name of the prophetic or prophecy, is so mundane & petty with so called prophets prophesying about the result of football matches, people having their testimonies by receiving money alerts, getting married, getting a job, buying a new car, building a house etc?

Where is the true spirit of prophecy? where is the testimony of Jesus in all these ephemeral things centering on the people and their lusts/the good life they want & seek to live upon the earth?

- Revelation 19:10.

How has the concern & burden of the church today even in prayer/intercessory ministry become largely centered on having a good life of prosperity & longevity here on earth, with very little or no concern for eternity & the life hereafter?

- 1st Corinthians 15:19.

How did we get here, where much of what is called christianity today is merely physical with christians looking for & seeking things that are seen(material/temporal glory/fame) & not the eternal?

- 2nd Corinthians 4:18.

What happened to seeking things above where Christ is seated at the righthand of God & not things upon the earth?

- Colossians 3:1-2.

How did we arrive at this juncture in the last days/very critical moments in time when we should, more than ever, be looking for a saviour from heaven who will change/transform our vile bodies, seeing that our salvation is now nearer than when we believed? 

- Ephesians 5:15-16; Romans 13:11-12 & Philippians 3:20-21.

The answer to all these lies in bible prophecy; that which is largely neglected and even despised by many in christendom today.

Scripture long foretold that a time will come when many in christendom will not be able to bear or endure sound teaching; but according to their own lusts will heap up to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they will turn away their ears from the truth, and be turned aside to give heed to fables.  

- 2 Timothy 4:3-4.

The Spirit of truth in the scripture of truth also foretold that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, paying attention to deceiving spirits and teachings inspired by devils. Speaking lies in hypocrisy, cauterised in their own conscience. 

- 1st Timothy 4:1-2.

These questions and a lot more will be answered as we meditate & navigate through the series on "Ultimate Things In Bible Prophecy".


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