When An Open Door Is Nothing But A Trap & A Snare To The Soul.

A Testimony Of How I Shut The Door On A Deal Of About $4m.

Last August(1st August, 2021) i gave a  testimony of how God delivered me in 2019 from having anything to do with Hushpuppy, little did i know that exactly a year after that testimony, a bigger temptation was going to come.

Indeed it came like a big open door, as on the 31st of July this year i got a call from someone who had viewed my business page on a certain website.
His call opened a series of online & offline discussions & meetings with some foreign investor he linked me to.
After two weeks of discussions & background checks, the foreign investor called to say he's confident to work with me.

I'll try to make the story as succinct as possible.

I had several meetings and site inspections with top realtors on ground, and on the third week, the foreign investor's representative travelled down to inspect the proposed project sites. However, after an entire month of discussions with this foreign investor and his partners, i had no choice but to walk out on this proposed deal of about $4m; a deal that would have personally fetched me nothing less than N120m including other juicy benefits.

Everything had been put in place and all that was needed to set the ball rolling was my signature on a document they sent but i rose up & shut this devilish open door after due diligence of personal investigations i made, exposed the illegality & shady nature of the transactions to be carried out.

A relentless devil sitting on one of the top realtors who was to be involved in the deal, kept calling & sending messages to me; trying to appeal to me & convince me to go ahead with the deal or give him the foreign contacts to run it directly & remit some percentage to me if am scared.
It's really scary to see how desperate men can be for money.

On discovery, it's easier to walk out on a financial scam or to escape from fraudsters trying to swindle you but when just something as simple as your assistance, consent or co-operation is needed to run an illegal or shady deal/transaction which will move millions & even billions into your account, it takes one who values uprightness, truth & integrity to walk away & to consider that a victory and a testimony to the glory of God.

There are many of such open doors which the devil sets before God's people to lure them into very entangling & ensnaring engagements, which can be very difficult to disentangle and disengage from. When the heart is not set where it ought to be("on things above" according to Colossians 3:1-2), it can become so invested in things that will ensnare & enslave it.

Sadly there are many testimonies being given in our 'churches' today which are not to the glory of God, as the testifiers sold out their soul in the process, in pursuit of their lust; but where many preachers today are more of motivational talkers, teaching their congregants to be result-oriented & resolved on their set targets/goals, who cares about the process where we have made a god of success?

Who cares to know whether the way of righteousness, uprightness, integrity & truth is strictly adhered to?
As long as you can get the results, prosper, blow & blossom beyond bounds, give a big testimony in church, pay your fat envelope-tithes & offerings, and sow some dangerous seeds to your MOG, who cares to know if the soul of a brother has been ensnared & sold out to the devil in the process?

From The Publisher's Desk
Paulchrisen Okey Okereke. 


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