
Showing posts from September, 2022

The Truth Of Eternal Salvation & The Falsehood Of OSAS.

The Truth Of Eternal Salvation & The Falsehood Of OSAS. The scriptural doctrine of eternal salvation is often misconstrued for what some call 'OSAS' (Once Saved Always Saved), which is a false and unscriptural doctrine. A very thin line exists between the two & it's a very subtle one; and it lies in the difference between trusting in salvation as a thing in itself received by the saved(a gift which cannot be lost), and trusting in the saviour himself as the author of eternal salvation. Eternal salvation is not an end reached in the believer, but an end realised & perfected in Christ for the believer, thus 1st Timothy 4:10 says "Christ is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe" & Hebrews 5:9 says "being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him". In 1st Timothy 1:1 we see that Jesus Christ is our hope(the hope of them that believe), and according to 1st Thessalonians 5:8 & P...

Who Owns The Church?

  Who Owns The Church?  The severity of the judgment coming to the church in these last times will be chiefly along the lines of the question of the ownership of the church...Who Owns The Church?  In the name of the Lord Jesus, on behalf of the HolyGhost sent down and on behalf of God who bought the church with the blood of his own, who owns the church?  This is a question every minister or preacher calling on the name of Jesus & running what is called "church" or assembly today upon the earth, will have to answer in these last times.  Sadly there are many doing ministry today, preaching & praying in the name of Jesus, but they are far from walking in the consciousness & reality of the ownership & lordship of Jesus over his church/people.  Note: The church/assembly is the church of God which he bought with the blood of his own & not your church. 👇🏼 "Take heed therefore to yourselves, and to all the flock, wherein the Holy Spirit has se...

When An Open Door Is Nothing But A Trap & A Snare To The Soul.

A Testimony Of How I Shut The Door On A Deal Of About $4m. Last August(1st August, 2021) i gave a  testimony of how God delivered me in 2019 from having anything to do with Hushpuppy, little did i know that exactly a year after that testimony, a bigger temptation was going to come. Indeed it came like a big open door, as on the 31st of July this year i got a call from someone who had viewed my business page on a certain website. His call opened a series of online & offline discussions & meetings with some foreign investor he linked me to. After two weeks of discussions & background checks, the foreign investor called to say he's confident to work with me. I'll try to make the story as succinct as possible. I had several meetings and site inspections with top realtors on ground, and on the third week, the foreign investor's representative travelled down to inspect the proposed project sites. However, after an entire month of discussions with this foreign in...