The Subtlely Of A Spiritual Fall (Part 1).

Spiritual fall could be so subtle that it can become the state of a believer for years, without being detected or discerned. 

It takes revelation in the presence of the Lord to expose this very subtle and sorry spiritual state as we see in the book of Revelation 2:1-5, in the Lord's letter to the assembly in Ephesus.

Ephesus was fervent in spirit & zealous in good works; they had great spiritual virtues like patience/endurance, they had spiritual strength and stamina such that the Lord commended them for having laboured and borne for his name's sake, without fainting or growing weary; yet spiritually they had fallen.

There was just one thing they lacked and that one thing in effect is everything, that one thing is like the tap root that bore the fruits the Lord had commended them for, thus if disconnected or cut off from, everyother thing was going to wane & die with time.
That one thing is that they had left their first love; they had departed from the place of having the Lord himself as their foremost obsession; they had drifted away from a passionate & affectionate fellowship, intimacy & communion with the Lord.
Though they still had the rub off of that fellowship, they were no longer abiding in it, having fallen from it.

They still had spiritual discernment such that they could try those who professed to be apostles but found them as false, and the Lord commended them for this, yet they could not discern their own state. They were in a very subtle spiritual state which only the Lord himself, whom they had departed from as their first/foremost obsession, could discern & reveal/expose.

It takes the Lord himself showing up, it takes the seeing of the Lord again for us to see how wretchedly & miserably we have drifted from Him, being occupied with things, even the things of Him and not with Him; occupied with ministry, burned out on religion and religious activities week in, week out; caught in the web & rollercoaster of program after program.

It is high time we paused to examine ourselves if we still be in the faith; in the faith of Him(Christ), in the faith of a person and not in the faith of things, not in the faith of a religious system/organisation with it's benefits/reward system, which is deceitfully branded/ touted as divine blessing for service.

It's time for reflection, retrospection and introspection. 
It's time to ask ourselves: what have we actually come to? what have we actually come to believe in?
Have we come to God, believing that He is and that He becomes the rewarder and reward of them who diligently seek him out?
Or have we come to believe in a man & in a religious system/organisation, which rewards those who diligently follow and serve it's religious interests, and in the spirit of it's tenets and beliefs?


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