True Holiness & Righteousness Is Occupation With Christ.


As early as in old testament prophecy, holiness was clearly defined in it's true character and essence as 'Unto the Lord' - "Holiness Unto The Lord" Zechariah 14:20-21 & Jeremiah 2:3.

True righteousness and holiness is not unto ourselves or unto men as seeking the approval of men, but unto the Lord and thus lies in occupation with the Lord.

When we teach righteousness, sanctification & holiness as themes, things or virtues in themselves which we're to set out or strive to attain, we're already programmed for religious self occupation and that's defeat even before a fall.

We are not called to be holy or righteous, neither are we called to fellowship with our self efforts to be holy or righteous, we are rather called to fellowship with the Son of God who is our sanctification and rightousness.
When God in the scripture of truth says: "Be holy for i am holy"(1 Peter 1:16) it is not a call to holiness as a theme or thing in itself, it is rather a call to be like Him who is Holy. It is a call to fellowship & walk with Him and be Holy just as He is.

It is in fellowship with Him that we learn, know and become aware of & acquainted with His Holiness.
It is in an intimate communion with Him, that there is a rub off of His Holiness on us, as we behold him and conform to His image.

If God commands us to be Holy as He is Holy, then it cannot work when we don't know or have any clue about how Holy He is. If we are to be Holy as He is Holy, then we must come to fellowship with His Holiness and know/become intimately acquainted with how Holy He is.
That growing knowledge, awareness & acquaintance with His Holiness is in itself conformity to His Holiness.
In beholding, in seeing, in knowing & becoming more aware of what we are seeing, we are changing & confirming to His image. This is occupation with the Lord Himself and not with religious themes and virtues as things in themselves.

Scripture does not say God chose us to be holy & blameless, scripture rather says God chose us in Him(in his Son Jesus) before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him in love. Ephesians 1:4

Holy & blameless before Him in the Son of His Love.

It's an attainment which is absolutely impossible in ourselves and in being religiously occupied with ourselves in a struggle to be morally correct & upright as to meet the righteous demands of a Holy God.
Paul the apostle tried it and only came to see what a wretched man he was in himself.

We are not chosen in ourselves, we are chosen in the son of his Love. 
Our placement and position in the Son by the election of the Father, is foremost and that which should first occupy our minds in meditations.
To be holy and blameless before Him in love, is that which follows our election/placement in the Son of His love. It is that which is attained & can only be attained because of our election/placement in the Son. It's only as chosen in His Son that we can be found holy & blameless before Him in love.


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