True Holiness & Righteousness Is Occupation With Christ.
As early as in old testament prophecy, holiness was clearly defined in it's true character and essence as 'Unto the Lord' - "Holiness Unto The Lord" Zechariah 14:20-21 & Jeremiah 2:3. True righteousness and holiness is not unto ourselves or unto men as seeking the approval of men, but unto the Lord and thus lies in occupation with the Lord. When we teach righteousness, sanctification & holiness as themes, things or virtues in themselves which we're to set out or strive to attain, we're already programmed for religious self occupation and that's defeat even before a fall. We are not called to be holy or righteous, neither are we called to fellowship with our self efforts to be holy or righteous, we are rather called to fellowship with the Son of God who is our sanctification and rightousness. When God in the scripture of truth says: "Be holy for i am holy"(1 Peter 1:16) it is not a call to holiness as a theme or thing in itself, i...