The Horrors Of Insensitivity To God's Greatest Values.
In recent years & times i've seen people behave in very abnormal/strange ways; i mean people you deem to be normal, acting in such a way that makes you wonder if they actually have a beating human heart and conscience.
There's absolutely nothing normal with speaking and reaching an agreement with someone, only for the person to renege on the agreement and act like nothing happened; no remorse, no apologies or explanation for defaulting.
Imagine you just spoke with someone on the phone and he or she says am going to do this or that, but fails to do so & never got in touch to say am sorry i couldn't make it; it feels like being treated like dung, worse still like you don't even exist. One might say maybe they forgot; well, the fact that they forgot shows they actually have no true value for the human relationship.
What you truly value, you would regard, respect & hold/treat rightly.
I've seen brethren 'in the faith' renege on agreement and go on like nothing happened, and it really baffles me as am left befuddled & wondering: "what kind of humans are these?"
When you get in touch to find out why, they casually say they forgot. Well, will they forget to do things that are of value to them? Will they forget to go to work or run businesses that will fetch them money? Will they forget to call their debtors to demand for their money?
It all boils down to the sad fact that we now live in a society where money is valued above everything, including human lives and relationships.
The reason for the gross abuse & destruction of our humanity in present day society, is simply because there is little or no value for human lives/relationships; yet that's God's greatest value. That's what he sent his only begotten Son for; to save human lives from eternal death/damnation & to bring them into an eternal love relationship with Himself.
Both in the old & new testament, inspired scriptures present us with one very profound question, seeking to probe the reason for the great value God has placed on humanity.
In the Psalms and in the book of Hebrews we find this profound question: "What is man, that thou art mindful of him? or the son of man, that thou visitest him?" - Psalm 8:3-4 & Hebrews 2:6.
What is man that an infinitely great God should have his mind full of him; full of the thoughts and remembrance of man, full of affection for man and ever seeking to reach out to man, to relate and fellowship with man?
In the psalms, the psalmist is overwhelmed as taken up in the consideration of the greatness/vastness of the work of God in creation; in considering the vast expanse of the heavens as the work of God's fingers, the moon, the stars and the sun which he ordained/set in the heavens.
In the light of all these vast ranges/expanse of creation, man is so infinitesimal, so minute and should be of little or no account yet God is so mindful of man, God places so much value on man than all he created/made.
How can we say we know and love God, when we have no value for what he greatly values?
How can I love a God whom i do not see, when i dont love the one created in his image and after his likeness?
In the words of 1st John 4:20 "If any one say, I love God, and hate his brother, he is a liar: for he that loves not his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?"
We have become a very vain religious people and nation, professing faith in God, setting up prayer altars, doing night vigils, embarking on several religious activities and programs, yet the way we relate with people, the way we treat people, clearly shows that we are very far from God. Our insensitivity to that which is of greatest value to God(human lives & relationships), shows that we don't know God.
None is more insensitive to the plight of another like a man or woman who is so self absorbed/narcissistic. If you're a lover of your own self, your conscience is only alive to your own feelings/emotions and dead to the feelings of others.
When a man is bereft of human conscience, he becomes even worse than a savage beast. Scripture speaks of those who in the last times will have their conscience cauterised/seared as with hot iron(rendered dead/insensitive to human feelings) - 1st Timoth 4:1-2.
We're evidently living in the very last days long prophesied/spoken of in the scriptures as very perilous times; when men shall be lovers of their own selves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, evil speakers...ungrateful, profane, without natural affection, implacable, truce(agreement/covenant) breakers, savage, traitors....of vain pretensions, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God yet having a form of godliness/piety but denying the power of it".
2nd Timothy 3:1-5.