Reflections On A New Calendar Year.

According to the Gregorian calendar it's a new year. Nothing is actually new under the sun and nothing changes with the coming of a new calendar year; time is still ticking and racing to the end of the age, it's still the same world of uncertainties, where men's lives are like vapour, where everything is temporal & transient, where events come and go.

It's still the same earth with the same sun rising in the east and setting in the west, the same moon and stars coming out to grace the dark skies at night. 

The dawn of 2021 unfolded with a surreal moment in the history of human democracy...the insurrection/invasion of the US capitol on the 6th of of the darkest & most notorious days in US political history, fraught with fear & much uncertainty as to the future. 

As fresh as it is in our minds, it remains like a nightmare of just yesterday, yet a year is almost gone past it. 

How time flies indeed, racing to an end & how the christian living in these last times, is urged to redeem the time(ie. to buy back time) from this evil/dark age, where time according to the prince of the power of the air/dark principalities, is being legislated & programmed to be spent by men on frivolities, chasing shadows and vanities, bereft of eternal value/worth(See Ephesians 2:1-6 & 5:15-17). 

As in other years, the seconds & minutes of 2022 will run unmanned, completely beyond our control as to determine what it's days will bring to us/the world we're in, but to remain unshakable, unscathed and undeterred through whatever it brings, we must learn to walk with Him who alone knows & holds the future, in love unfeigned & unrestrained. 

Unreserved & unrestricted trust with unfettered & absolute dependence on God is our utmost call as frail mortals. Let's pledge unalloyed allegiance to our uncreated creator.  

Let's seek to know Him, to know His heart, His will & eternal purpose for our lives. Only then will our lives count for God & eternity with every tick of the clock in time. 

Happy New Year Friends!


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