A Midnight Crisis & Cry Coming On The Church.
A Midnight Crisis & Cry Coming On The Church.
A deep spiritual crisis is coming to the church, that will make men arise to begin to ask questions like never before and seek spiritual understanding, to understand the word of God, to understand & give heed to what the Spirit is saying to the churches.
As in the crisis of the days of Eli & Samuel, when the word of the Lord was scarce/rare in Israel & thus precious/costly, and there was no open vision as the eyes of the highpriest had waxed dim such that he could no longer see, yet the lamp of God in the temple had not gone out, so is the crisis situation in the church today and it's growing in intensity (see 1st Samuel 3:1-3).
In the midst of the confusion/noise of conflicting voices which many are accustomed to, such that it's difficult for Samuels to tell/discern the voice of God, there will arise a distinct midnight voice/cry calling for the preparation of the bride in view of the imminent return/coming of the Lord.
A prophetic voice from the wilderness crying prepare the way of the Lord; a corporate voice crying out & declaring that all flesh is grass and all the glory/comeliness of men as the flower of the field which falls and withers; a corporate voice announcing & showing manifestly, by the authority of heaven, the frailty, futility & wretchedness of the way & glory of man in the church of Christ.
The wise will arise to trim(put in proper order) their lamp(their vessel of light) that they might have enough light to go forth.
Also many who have been very pedestrian and casual about the knowledge of the truth, taking the word of God for granted, will wake up in the midnight hour of this crisis to desperately seek the truth in order to survive.
Like the foolish virgins who woke up in the hour of the midnight cry and went out in desperation seeking where to buy oil for their lamps, i pray that the fate of those foolish virgins wouldn't be the lot of these ones who would wake up in the crisis hour.
May the judgment which the word of God pronounced upon the chief priests and Pharisees in John 7:34, not become their experience in this coming time of deep crisis/desperation.
It was deep spiritual crisis that befell the early church and precipitated the circumstances in which the book of Revelation was delivered & received; the apostles and frontline leaders had been martyred, Jerusalem where the church began at Pentecost, and which is the mother/center of Judaism(which christianity was weaned from), had been invaded with it's temple destroyed.
There was nothing of the relic of judaism to fall back on, and nothing of the appurtenance of christianity to hold unto. It was not a day of the normal spiritual activity of gathering in assembly every first day of the week to break bread but a day of the utter shaking & breaking of the vessels themselves.
The apostle John here on the Lord's day(the first day of the week) was not in any assembly/church meeting but in the isle of Patmos where he had been banished to suffer and die.
Revelation 1:9-10.
It was a day of deep crisis, and giving up was the easiest thing to do for one not utterly sold out, as there was everything physically opposing & inimical to frustrate and arrest spiritual progress of any form.
If there must be any progression/furtherance, it must be by way of a deep spiritual rediscovery & revelation; thus, for a John who was like the last apostle standing in this day of declension & very little prospect/hope, the revelation/seeing of Christ again, greatly sufficed.
If this apostle who had borne testimony of how they(the apostles) had seen, looked upon, touched and handled the Word of life, needed a revelation of Christ(a seeing of Christ again) to go on to the end, much more do we need a spiritual rediscovery, revelation and seeing of Christ to go on in the coming days of intensity & spiritual crisis.
May this be the prevailing cry, craving & earnest desire/prayer in our hearts.