The Ecstasy Of "Pentecostal" Papacy Coasting To Apostasy.

 The Ecstasy Of "Pentecostal" Papacy Coasting To Apostasy.

The autocratic ecstacy of papacy in catholicism, which the protestant movement once stood against, has now pervaded the entire sphere of denominationalism especially the so called Pentecostal denomination/movement; with men and women becoming heads of churches and so called 'spiritual' papas and mamas...thus the making of a religious monster of many heads, speaking perverse & diverse things/languages; discordant voices of confusion with the mystery of iniquity working in the midst, and drawing out from the lines of the past, all the elements of History-Babel leading to Mystery-Babel.

Paving the way of apostasy, deceiving and leavening until the whole lump is leavened and the peak is reached at Mystery Babylon; the harlot bride church given over to strong delusion, and destined for ruin & damnation at the manifestation of the son of perdition. 

The prophetic voice and warning of separation in this time of grace till the last trump is: "Come out of her my people lest ye partake of her judgments". 

There is no hope of a general recovery/revival but of remnants, who by giving heed to what the Spirit is saying to the churches, will "purge themselves" of this evil company/fellowship that leavens, and go out of the sleeping mass of professing ones, in earnest expectation and pure longing to meet the bridegroom.

Those who fail to give heed to what the Spirit is saying now, will then surely give heed to the antichrist spirit; in a time when foolish virgins through strong delusion, are transformed into a harlot bride, and unfruitful professors left in the field to inevitably share same fate with tares. 

In a time when the wheat are long gone, being harvested off the field and received into the heavenly granary, shinning & blazing like the Sun in the heavenly kingdom of their Father such that when the Sun of righteousness arises over the earth with healing in his wings at the millennial advent, they are seen coming with him, riding on white horses: His bride in battle arrray, for His family is also his army.


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