True Spiritual Authority & Leadership.

 True Spiritual Authority & Leadership. 

True spiritual leadership is a selfless, transparent & exemplary leadership which exemplifies & models following the Lord, turning men into disciples/followers of the Lord.

The passion & obsession of every true spiritual leadership is to see that men follow the Lord. 

In 1st Corinthians 11:1 we read the apostle Paul say "Follow me, as i follow Christ"; In other words, follow me, as i model & exemplify following the Lord to you. If i do not model & exemplify following the Lord, if i do not show you how to follow the Lord, then you have no business following me. This is the apostle who had earlier rebuked this same assembly in Corinth, exposing their carnality in walking/ordering themselves after men, while asserting membership/belonging to men as though they had been bought with a price by men and not the Lord - 1st Corinthians 3:1-4.

In Acts 20:28, 30 we see this same apostle warning against spiritual leaders who will arise to speak perverse things as chiefly driven by their ambition to draw away disciples after themselves, to disciple men after themselves and thus have a large following. 

The warning thus begins with: "Take heed therefore unto yourselves.." in other words, "beware of yourselves, be cautious about yourselves".

Failure to take heed to 'self' will lead to the unbridled rising of 'self' perverting & twisting the word of God in order to lead/draw away disciples after 'self'.

True spiritual leadership does not for once, model, exemplify or show men how to follow men/become disciples of men. 

In 1st Peter 5 we see the apostle Peter exhorting elders/shepherds and in his exhortation, he acknowledges that he is also an elder and shepherd; however, his emphasis is that the sheep/flock are the Lord's and not theirs; that they all were like sheep going astray but have now returned to the shepherd and bishop of their souls. 

This shepherd and bishop of their souls he calls the Chief Shepherd. His emphasis in essence, is that every true elder/shepherd leads in the consciousness of the Chief Shepherd and his appearing to reward everyone according to his works. 

Elders/shepherds who merely lead men, without any consciousness of the Chief Shepherd & the fact that the flock is the Lord's, inevitably become spiritual bullies, lording it over the flock, dominating the souls of men while assuming ownership of that which is the Lord's. Such are like thieves/robbers who steal & fleece the flock of God. 

The opposite of true spiritual leadership/authority, is a bleak, opaque and self driven/assertive leadership, which emphasizes following men; demanding unreserved submission and unalloyed loyalty to Self spiritual authority, and not caring whether followers are obedient/submitted to the Lord who is the Shepherd & bishop of their souls.

The effect of true spiritual leadership, is that men are turned into disciples/followers of the Lord. 

On the other hand, false spiritual leadership turns men into followers and disciples of men. False spiritual leadership, in it's satanic/self driven ambition to have a large following, even goes as far as hijacking unsuspecting disciples/followers of the Lord & converting/turning them into spiritual zombies who sheepishly follow men.


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