God's Order Vs Man's Order In The Church.
God's Order Vs Man's Order In The Church.
God's Order In The Church.
A.) God has appointed Christ as head over all things to the church. Christ is thus the head of the church in all things & over all things, and He is particularly spoken of as "the head of every man" - Ephesians 1:22; 1st Corinthians 11:3.
B.) The man is the head of the woman. In the church/assembly life, she is presented in all things, even in prayer & expression of spiritual gifts, as under the man & this is consistent with God's order in the family, such that a bishop who cannot maintain God's order/rule in the family cannot provide leadership in the church of God. - 1st Corinthians 11:3; 1st Timothy 3:2-5.
C.) The ministers(apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers) belong to the body, the church, for they are gifts given to the body by Christ(the head of the body).
- Ephesians 4:10-13; 1st Corinthians 3:21-22.
D.) The body/church/assembly belongs to Christ.
- 1st Corinthians 3:23; Ephesians 5:29-30.
E.) Christ belongs to God.
- 1st Corinthians 3:23.
Man's Order In The Church.
A.) The minister(whether a man or woman) is ordained/appointed by men, or appoints himself/herself as the head of the church/assembly; he or she assumes the place/status of a spiritual head/covering of every man both male and female, married or unmarried.
B.) The 'church/body' belongs to the minister as the one who started/planted the assembly. He/she thus assumes 'founder' status as though he/she is the foundation/chief cornerstone, the church is built on.
C.) Scripture is read & expounded for preaching but ultimately what the minister teaches/says is the final authority and is not to be questioned or scrutinised in the light of scriptures.
D.) God and Christ are systematically dislodged & have no place in this order though they are verbally worshipped & pronounced as Lord and Master.
E.) Satan is thus behind it all as the leader/head of every rebellion against God's order; the father & chief architect of every system/order that is not according to truth.
- John 8:44.
Note: Just as satan succeeded in introducing & instituting his own order in God's creation, men have succeeded in introducing & instituting their own order in the church of Christ, where God is breeding a new creation.
This is an order and a way which seems right to men & many in the church today, but the end parts thereof lead to destruction.
Indeed, broad is the way that leads to destruction and many are found in it.