The Fight Of Faith.

The battle we're in as believers is clearly defined in the scriptures of truth, and it is a fight of faith...."the good fight of faith"(1 Timothy 6:12).

Faith is all we have as believers to relate with God, without faith it is impossible to walk with God, without faith it is impossible to please God.
When satan desired to have Peter to sift him as wheat, Jesus said to Peter: "I have prayed for you, that your faith fail not". The greatest concern of the Lord in praying for Peter was that his faith fail not.
He didn't pray for Peter not to fail but that his faith fail not, why? because faith is the only resource, all that Peter would have/need to connect, relate with God & draw from God, even when everyother thing fails. 
Peter indeed failed woefully but his faith did not fail, and thus he pulled through that sifting experience.

As weak & frail as we are, we can fail & fall apart in ourselves; we can experience & find in ourselves the utter failure, weakness & wretchedness of our fallen humanity but our faith in Christ must not fail, our faith in a new creation in Christ must not fail.
Peter failed repeatedly in an open denial of his Lord and master, but his faith did not fail, thus he was preserved and restored.

The victory that overcomes the world, the lusts in the world and all the crises of a sin laden-fallen creation, is our faith; even our faith in Christ who is the new man, the firstborn from the dead and the beginning of God's new creation(1st John 5:4).

If faith then comes by hearing the Word of God, and we lightly esteem the Word of God, and do not see/diligently labour for it as our necessary meat/food for survival in this journey & fight of faith, how can we be found strong in faith? Romans 4:17-21.
How can we be steadfast in the faith to resist the devil? 1 Peter 5:8-9.
How can we posess/wield the shield of faith to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked?

Ephesians 6:16 says "Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked"(KJV).

Note: The greek word "epi"(above) is ommitted in the greek lexicon, and what is actually there is the word "en" which means "in".
The text should thus read: "In all" taking & not "above all". However, the word "all" in the text is an adjective in the greek lexicon & thus qualifies the verb taking(analambanō - to take up)

"In all-taking up"(wholly taking up) the shield of faith.
The shield of faith is a shield which is not to be merely or casually taken up, but to be entirely, holistically and diligently taken up.

Shield(Thureos in the greek) -
a large shield (as door shaped): - a shield which when taken up/held up in battle, covers the entire armour/warrior. Thureos is used only once in the bible and it is used in connection to faith. 


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