Don't Be Deceived By Anointing/Manifestation Of Power.
Do not be merely carried away by waves made by a man so anointed and who even functions with a strong presence of God in his teaching/prayer meetings.
*Test the spirit, find out what he's ultimately he after his own or after God, does he preach himself, seeking the recognition of men, seeking the submission, reverence & honour that comes from men; is he one who motivates men to seek God just for things, material prosperity, breakthrough etc. or is he one who is wholly after God, wholly after seeking God for who he is, wholly after bringing men to the knowledge of the Son of God, such that men might learn to hear, to fear & obey God, to submit themselves to God?
In the fall of satan who was the covering cherub, we see the fearful possibility of one being so anointed and even operating/functioning in the very presence of God in the midst of the stones of fire, and yet wholly given over to self obsession & spiritual ambition, seeking his own, charting his own course & way in the pursuit of self glory and honour.
Sadly, we live in a time when many professing christians earnestly crave & pray 'fire prayers' for the lusts & self ambitions of their heart in God's very presence & by the anointing God has given them, seeking for self greatness & glory; just as the anointed cherub that covereth, craved & expressed his own self spiritual ambition & aspiration in the very presence of God, in the midst of the stones of fire...he aspired to be like the most High.