But Her Current Is Still Her Company (Message To A Woman Loved By Her Lord).
They were messages for a sister i know, and i called her to read the messages i sent her but she would rather have me read them out to her.
It was as though i read from the psalms, a lot of beautiful lines of what the Lord wants to do with her, however it ended with "But her current is still her company".
I couldn't remember any of those beautiful lines for the emphasis was on this: "But her current is still her company".
I woke up and pondered on those words; then came the understanding from the awareness i had in the vision, that her current is her present; her present situation and state/circumstances, her present place of habitation, livelihood and activities upon the earth.
She is in fellowship and companionship with her current/present state/location, and that is a huge impedance in the flow of communication from the Lord, and a tragic obstruction to the things the Lord wants to do with her.
Beyond that sister, i saw the church of Christ.
After many centuries of the HolyGhost being sent down from heaven to constitute her the heavenly bride of the heavenly man/last Adam, her current/present situation and location on earth is still her company/acquaintance; still what she cleaves to and leans on, still what she's very acquainted with and aware of, still what she's at home with.
She's in fellowship with and more acquainted with her own ways/practices, her own religious activities and programs upon the earth, than she is with the HolySpirit sent down from heaven.
She hardly remembers her Lord, she hardly thinks of him; the thoughts and consciousness of him has become such a struggle to her.
She has found solace, comfort and companionship with her current state and placement on earth, like she needs not the comforter he sent to be with her in his absence.
She hardly remembers her Lord even at his table where she often gathers with her children to have communion; and even where the words of remembrance are said, they are mere recitation void of any living thought or reflection on him.
She is so acquainted with & in fellowship with her current state, habitation and placement upon the earth, that any thought of leaving it for another, signals a huge threat and a strange sound of uncertainty.
She no longer knows where she is actually going to, she is confused about her eternal destiny and doubts whether her Lord is actually going to come for her like he promised.
She has become like a woman espoused to a strange man whom she is unsure and uncertain about her future with, thus she doubts his promises.
She doubts whether there are literal mansions in his Father's house even though he, foreseeing a time of prevailing doubt and unbelief like this, had said to her "if it were not so, i would have told you".
She doubts if he's actually coming for her specially, to recieve her to himself and take her to his Father's house.
She doubts if his promised coming is to consummate his relationship with her and not when he comes to rule and reign over the earth with her. She is overtaken with her ambition to manifest and reign on earth that any thought of a Father's house in heaven sounds alien to her.
She even doubts if the Father's house, where he promised to take her to for honeymoon, is in heaven. She no longer sees her place and union with him in his heavenly calling & vocation.
She has suddenly found a home and a place of eternal habitations in the wilderness/land where she is to sojourn as a stranger and pilgrim enroute the heavenly city.
Like Esau who sold his birthright & future for a morsel of meat, she has boldly and unashamedly, exchanged the heavenly hope for the earthly, turned her heavenly calling to an earthly calling, changed her citizenship in heaven to a citizenship on earth, despised the incorruptible and undefiled inheritance reserved for her in heaven.
She speaks despicably of the hope of going to heaven and claims to have made heaven whilst in the wilderness of this world where fiery serpents lie in wait. The good fight of faith and the labour to enter the promised rest is no longer an admonition to her, she no longer sees the need for any of that.
She has entered into her own rest on earth, she has built cities for herself in the wilderness, she has found for herself a place of eternal habitations.
She now reigns here and needs not go out to meet her Lord, no! her Lord must be the one to come down here, to dwell and reign with her in her newly found eternal habitation upon the earth.
Her current is still her company and if she does not make a drastic turn from the path she's treading on; she will soon find herself in broad day light apostasy, fully convinced and irrevocably established in the way that leads to perdition.