Altars Of Strange Fire. Where The Fire Of The HolySpirit Is Grossly Abused.
Gradually 'fire' is replacing the name of Jesus on the lips of many professing ones when they pray.
It has replaced the simplicity of
faith in the name of Jesus with vociferous, repetitive shouts/chants of fire like fire! fire! fire-ya-ya-ya-ya!’
They cast out demons by fire, destroy their perceived enemies by fire, receive whatever they desire/want from God by fire & not by faith in Jesus.
I wonder what fire they're invoking...strange fire it must be for scripture teaches us to cast out devils in the name of Jesus, to heal the sick, open blind eyes, cleanse lepers all in the name of Jesus and not by any so called fire.
The apostles & disciples of the Lord never invoked or called down fire in prayer against ugly situations or perceived enemies. The only time they tried doing such, Jesus sternly rebuked them saying: "Ye know not what manner of Spirit ye are of"
Luke 9:55.
Invoking/shouting fire against perceived enemies/problems in prayer, does not reflect a true christian spirit.
The phrase "HolyGhost Fire" is a term grossly and irreverently uttered by the lips of many unbelieving and professing ones.
Today, this phrase is commonly used by “many Christians” while praying, as a weapon of destroying “enemies”. To them, they think/assume that the "Holy Ghost Fire" is a weapon of war in warfare prayer.
There is no place in scripture which justifies the use of "Holy Ghost fire" as a weapon of destruction against enemies.
In the same vein, there is no record that shows that our Fathers of faith (the early Christians, the Church fathers, etc.) ever used this phrase.
You don't heap coals of fire on your enemies by shouting "HolyGhost fire" against them in prayers but by showing them love -
Romans 12:17-20
"Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as lies in you, live peaceably with all men. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says the Lord. Therefore if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he thirsts, give him drink: for in so doing you shall heap coals of fire on his head.
Sadly, many christians who use the phrase "HolyGhost fire" as a weapon of spiritual warfare tend to follow Elijah’s example in the Old Testament where on two occasions he called down fire. One of which was during his encounter with the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:21-40). However, if you study the account of Elijah and the prophets of Baal, you will realize that Elijah never called down fire on the false prophets but on the prepared sacrifice(bullock) on the altar of Jehovah, and his purpose for calling down fire on the sacrifice was to validate that Jehovah is the only true God and that He alone should be worshipped.
The second occasion was with the captains and their respective armies of fifty whom Prophet Elijah called down fire to consume (2 Kings 1:9-14). But was it the supposed “Holy Ghost Fire” he called? The Scripture DID NOT say so. From that context, it is obvious that the fire Elijah called down was the “wrath of God”. Are we to imitate Elijah in this way? Jesus in the New Testament clarifies us on that. When His disciples –James and John wanted to do what Elijah did (just as many Christians are doing today) Jesus rebuked them as we earlier pointed out in Luke 9:55.
Now in the new testament, scripture shows that we are to present our bodies a living sacrifice(Romans 12:1); thus, what the prepared bullock/burnt sacrifice was to Elijah is what we are to Christ our Highpriest; and the fire which comes from God in the new, even the fire of the HolySpirit is to fall on us, to consume/burn us that we may be unto God a living, burnt sacrifice, burning with passion and love for His name.
As in the book of Revelation 4:5, there are seven lamps of fire burning before the throne of God and those seven lamps of fire are the seven Spirits of God, God's design is that the seven candlesticks on earth(the churches/assemblies) should be aflame and burning with the fire of the HolySpirit/Seven Spirits of God from off the throne/altar of Jehovah - Revelation 1:20.
Now, what is the characteristic/mark of the fire of the HolySpirit in respect to man (as we see at Pentecost)?
It is a Holy fire, it is pure and has a purifying and sanctifying motive/influence.
Put differently, the fire of the HolySpirit as the New Testament reveals to us is for purification, baptism, sanctification(Matthew 3:11).
The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit came down on the Apostles on Pentecost day in the form of cloven/parted tongues 'like fire'(in the similitude of fire) -Acts 2:3.
The fire didn’t burn to destroy them, but enkindled in them the love of God, made them bold and fearless witnesses of the risen Christ, ardent defenders of the faith, who initiated and aided the missionary life of the Church. Hence, if we must use “Holy Ghost fire”, let it be a way of inviting the presence of God in our lives, to sanctify us, to enkindle the love of God in our hearts, to do the will of God; and NOT as a weapon of destruction on people.
When we show our enemies the love of God enkindled/shed abroad in our hearts by the fire of the HolySpirit, we thus heap coals of fire on them(Compare Romans 5:5 & Romans 12:20).
Make no mistake about this: freedom/liberation does not come by shouting 'fire' 7 times or 10 times(fire brigade approach), it comes by the knowledge of the truth, by knowing the Lord Jesus who is the truth. It is the knowledge of the truth that makes free, it is the knowledge of the Son of man that makes free and free indeed; and true freedom is freedom from sin and death, every other negativity you seek to be liberated from are merely ills that came in on account of sin entering the world. John 8:31-36.
Do we despise/reject the knowledge of the Lord and rather give ourselves/subscribe to altars of strange fire where we are made to shout fire repeatedly from day to day?