When Intellectualism Intrudes Upon The Province Of Faith.
Here is an example of when intellectualism and human reasoning intrudes upon the province of faith like a wind, set to overthrow the faith of many.
This is one of the reasons why we must grow up and not remain as children liable and prone to being tossed to and fro by every wind of doctine.
If you're impoverished in the knowledge of ALL SCRIPTURE(the whole counsel of God) given by the inspiration of God to make you complete and grounded/rooted in the faith of Christ, then you are prone to being tossed to and fro by the WIND OF EVERY DOCTRINE.
Entrance into heaven is not dependent on one's religion during his/her lifetime as the writer claims, but on one's faith in Christ as the Son of God and the only saviour/hope of a fallen human race.
No measure of righteousness attained by a man in religion, can save him from damnation which is the fate of the fallen human race.
No amount of moral rectitude, uprightness/decency obtained and expressed by a man in relating to fellow men, is enough to open the gates of heaven to him.
Christ is the only saviour and hope of mankind.
To merely profess the christian faith or to be born into a professed christian home and grow up to officially adopt christianity as one's religion, offers no special spiritual privilege/advantage.
A christian is not one who merely professes to be so or one who officially adopts christianity as his/her religion, neither is a christian someone naturally born into a professed christian home.
The mere christian profession/religion even makes it more difficult for one to truly come to the faith of Christ, as those espoused to it can go through an entire lifetime of assuming that they are in Christ and belong to him, whilst they are none of His. It is more deceptive than the stark dark world of unbelievers in the christian faith.
Billions over the centuries merely professing christianity have died and perished without a living hope, having not died in the faith of Christ, as much as those in other religions.
Many perish whether in christianity, Islam or any other religion for not truly believing in the Son of God; likewise there's a harvest of souls being saved in christianity, Islam and other religions for coming to the true knowledge and faith of Christ.
The faith of Christ comes through hearing the true gospel of Christ and not through espousal to any religion.
The word of God is not bound, it can gain access and grow mightily wherever it is accepted.