Swift To Hear And Slow To Speak.
The root of the problem in Christendom today can be traced to bad/wrong teaching and presentation of God.
Where you have people who love teaching/preaching and to be heard, hailed and appreciated by men, much more than sitting at the Lord's feet to hear his voice, to learn of him and to study to be approved of God; there also you have a perfect recipe for spiritual disaster, expressed in wrong exegesis, misinterpretation and misrepresentation of God.
One lesson i learnt from the genesis of time as presented in the scriptures of truth, is that God is never in a haste to speak/express himself; in the midst of the darkness, formlessness and voidness/emptiness which the earth was plunged into, God patiently hovered and brooded over the situation by his Spirit. He was swift to move into the situation, to behold and assess it, before he spoke into it. Romans 15:5 calls him the God of Patience and James 5:7 reveals his character as a husbandman who has long patience in waiting for the harvest of the precious fruit of the earth.
Contrary to the popular saying which states that cleanliness is next to godliness, scriptures reveal that patience is next to godliness in the bearing of fruits/formation of character/virtues consistent with the christian life.
See 2 Peter 1:4-6.
It is not a surprise to see that the same writer who by the inspiration of the HolySpirit urged us to "let patience have her perfect work" that we may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing; is the same who in the latter verses of the same chapter, admonished us thus: "Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath". James 1:4, 19.
In the superfluity of hastiness we cannot receive with patience, the engrafted/implanted word which is able to save our souls; it is only through patience and comfort of the scriptures that we can profit from all that was written aforetime for our learning. James 1:21; Romans 15:4.