Swift To Hear And Slow To Speak. (Part 2)

When we speak, write or preach much more than we hear or learn at the Master's feet, it is evident that we are hasty and full of the expression of our own words and thoughts.

The Master(the Lord Jesus) in the days of his flesh/sojourn on earth, was the very word made flesh, yet his greatest appeal was to that which is written and speaking only as he hears from the Father. If the very word of God in human flesh was careful and cautious not to speak/do anything of his own self or bear witness of himself, much more should those who are called to serve him, dread such expressions.

Sadly, our preaching, teaching, commentary, exegesis and interpretation is often so loud and verbose that it crowds out the voice of scripture and what the Spirit is saying. 
We speak and write volumes in whose echoes and pages, the voice and lines of truth in scripture, is hardly/faintly heard and read.

Scripture itself says that a fool's voice is known by multitude of words and that sin(error/rebellion) is never lacking in the multitude of words, but he that refrains his lips is wise. Ecclesiastes 5:3; Proverbs 10:19.
A man full of his own talk/speech and verbose in expression, is not justified before God.  Job 11:2-5

If there is anything we're to be full of, it is the word of Christ; scripture admonishes us to let(allow) the word of Christ dwell in us richly in all wisdom. Colossians 3:16.
According to 1 Peter 4:11, If we're to speak, we should speak as the oracles of God. 
The word translated as 'oracles' in the verse is 'logion' in the original greek and it means a brief utterance, a divine oracle (doubtless because oracles were generally brief); an utterance of God. 

In present day christendom, we have millions of word/teaching conferences, billions of books and recorded messages in different audio and video formats, streaming online and offline, yet with very little spiritual impact on the lives of men unto godliness; this is simply because in the midst of so much speaking and teaching, there is very little that is heard or read, of the utterance of God and the voice of the scriptures of truth. 


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