#10yearschallenge And The Greater Challenge.
It was also the first multi-ethnic organization in Nigeria and its programme was to foster political advancement of the country and enhance the socio-economic status of the Nigerian citizens.
The movement acquired national outlook and became a strong national movement when Nnamdi Azikiwe and H.O. Davies returned to Nigeria in 1937 and 1938 respectively and consequently joined the movement. N.Y.M became the first authentic Nigerian nationalist organisation to be formed, Obafemi Awolowo and Samuel Akintola were other prominent members of the movement which membership was open to all Nigerian youths.
These youths rose to the challenge of inferior educational opportunities offered to Nigerian citizens by the colonial masters, who were treating Nigerians as second class citizens in their own country; they sought to increase the native Nigerian participation in civil service and government with the ultimate goal of self-government/indepedence. They rose to the challenge of their day, thus they had their names etched on the walls of history as a generation of youths who engineered Nigeria's independence and became the fathers of modern day Nigeria.
The Nigerian youths of today should accept the greater challenge of the day and rise to the responsibility of rebuilding the broken walls of a decayed nation. They should rise as a new breed determined to rid themselves of the distraction of empty/noisy entertainment and the garb of selfishness/greed, to meet the great need and burden of national interests.
They must no longer play the inferior/second fiddle game by allowing themselves to be used as thugs and political puppets by the old political class, who seek to only remain and die in the corridors of power. Junior does not mean inferior; much more this generation of youths have the superior advantage of technology being a digital generation/age. Both history and posterity will not forgive us for being docile, ductile, dormant, complacent and indifferent to challenges which are opportunities for us to rise on the stage of time, and make a difference. It behoves the youths of the most populous black nation now, to arise to this 85 years challenge, as history beckons on them to rise to the responsibility today, to salvage the future and prophetic destiny of our nation.
For more updates on the role of youths in nation building, follow my new instagram handle @vamynigeria