Beyond Shaking Tables.
Beyond Shaking Tables.
It is not reason neither is it the season that we should leave the word of God, and merely shake tables; But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word. We will not be encumbered with much serving and shaking of tables, and leave the place of sitting at the Lord's feet; that in itself, is a subtle distraction from the core and center, where every other service and ministry should flow from.
It's time to unreservedly yield to the Spirit, and be laden with the Lord's burden in prayer and the ministry of the word, in travails and groanings of the Spirit; to birth the final & unprecedented latter rain revival/harvest.
It's time to receive upon our spirits like never before, his yoke and burden for the nations; with deep travails and fervency in the Spirit, that will birth men and women who will not merely shake tables of religious and political merchandise, but will overthrow them and expel from the temple and office, wicked men who are trading with the destinies of men and nations. Men and women who like Paul and Silas will be reckoned as turning the world upside; great revivalists who will unsettle and end the religious routine and status quo.
Beyond the rhetoric, beyond the wind of the trend, beyond our observations, reservations and remonstrations concerning the ills going on, it's time to launch into the deep and let down the nets of our concerns, to take upon us the burden and weight of the Lord's endtime harvest. The harvest truly is plenteous but there are few labouring in fervent prayers and the ministry of the unadulterated word.
Oh! That we might cry out to the Lord of the harvest to send forth true labourers, who will overthrow and replace the devourers and destroyers of the Lord's heritage and vineyard.
The time is at hand, the destinies of billions of souls are at stake, the stakes are high in the spirit. We must deeply engage the heavens now like never before.
It is not reason neither is it the season that we should leave the word of God, and merely shake tables; But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word. We will not be encumbered with much serving and shaking of tables, and leave the place of sitting at the Lord's feet; that in itself, is a subtle distraction from the core and center, where every other service and ministry should flow from.
It's time to unreservedly yield to the Spirit, and be laden with the Lord's burden in prayer and the ministry of the word, in travails and groanings of the Spirit; to birth the final & unprecedented latter rain revival/harvest.
It's time to receive upon our spirits like never before, his yoke and burden for the nations; with deep travails and fervency in the Spirit, that will birth men and women who will not merely shake tables of religious and political merchandise, but will overthrow them and expel from the temple and office, wicked men who are trading with the destinies of men and nations. Men and women who like Paul and Silas will be reckoned as turning the world upside; great revivalists who will unsettle and end the religious routine and status quo.
Beyond the rhetoric, beyond the wind of the trend, beyond our observations, reservations and remonstrations concerning the ills going on, it's time to launch into the deep and let down the nets of our concerns, to take upon us the burden and weight of the Lord's endtime harvest. The harvest truly is plenteous but there are few labouring in fervent prayers and the ministry of the unadulterated word.
Oh! That we might cry out to the Lord of the harvest to send forth true labourers, who will overthrow and replace the devourers and destroyers of the Lord's heritage and vineyard.
The time is at hand, the destinies of billions of souls are at stake, the stakes are high in the spirit. We must deeply engage the heavens now like never before.