
Showing posts from December, 2018

Much Ado About Christmas Day.

The commemoration of the birth of Christ on the 25th of December globally known as Christmas day, has been an issue of much theological and historical debate. Some theologians and historians argue that Christ was not born on the 25th of December, and some speak of the pagan origins of the yuletide. The bible does not speak of the exact birth date of Christ or of any of the apostles, but we do know by the scriptures that Christ became flesh and was born as a man on a certain day, and in relation to his being born, heaven greatly rejoiced, knowing the significance of his incarnation and birth in the great redemption plan. Luke 2:8-14. Also the angel of the Lord brought the message of Christ's birth to shepherds who watched their flocks by night; which message he called 'good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people'. Luke 2:10-11. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For u...

Beyond Shaking Tables.

Beyond Shaking Tables. It is not reason neither is it the season that we should leave the word of God, and merely shake tables; But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word. We will not be encumbered with much serving and shaking of tables, and leave the place of sitting at the Lord's feet; that in itself, is a subtle distraction from the core and center, where every other service and ministry should flow from. It's time to unreservedly yield to the Spirit, and be laden with the Lord's burden in prayer and the ministry of the word, in travails and groanings of the Spirit; to birth the final & unprecedented latter rain revival/harvest. It's time to receive upon our spirits like never before, his yoke and burden for the nations; with deep travails and fervency in the Spirit, that will birth men and women who will not merely shake tables of religious and political merchandise, but will overthrow them and expel from the t...

The Deception Of Spiritual Activities And Manifestations.

Of what purpose is all our bible teaching conventions, prophetic meetings, prayer and fasting conferences and programs, when that one mark/sign of discipleship is no longer found amongst us?  These spiritual activities are utterly useless and deceptive if we are found wanting in love for one another; much more when even the basic brotherly kindness/feeling is lost, and there's no sense of brotherhood left in us.  This is the very sad situation today. There is so much of spritual activity and programs, with very little or nothing to show for it, in the moral character and conduct of love.  John 13:35 " By this shall all  men  know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." Note: Disciples/servants of Christ are not known by media publicity; adorning all the media billboards in town with their images and upcoming events/programs, preaching on all the TV stations, or making the headlines on the front pages of the dailies.  They ar...

Transition Hours: How Nigeria Missed Her Time Of Visitation At The Centenary.

Had Jonathan succeeded in fulfilling the purpose/mandate for which God allowed him to come into office, he should have written a book titled "Nigeria's Transition Hours" and not "My Transition Hours". He was the chosen one to deliver a new Nigeria(a restructured Nigeria) as she clocked a centenary, but he dropped the prophetic mandate on him, to pursue an ambition to remain in office. His administration casually forwarded resolutions of the 2014 National Confab to the Senate just one week to the expiration of the Seventh National Assembly. It was not a mere coincidence that we had our seventh national assembly when the nation clocked 100. It was rather a prophetic clock and timing of immense significance for the nation; an hour so significant that if not discerned and taken advantage of, the clock will start ticking backwards/anticlockwise. The seventh assembly represented an end of an era in the history of the nation; the seventh assembly was to lay a foun...