True Ministry/Work Of God.
True Ministry/Work Of God.
Sadly, what is called ministry/God's work today is 99% man's schedule/routine of activities, yet done in the name of the Lord. This is a very grievous thing to the Lord Jesus.
Even in most places/organisations branded as 'church' or 'christian ministry', it is sadly a 100% as wholly set against anything that is of the Holy Spirit; to be moved or led of the HolySpirit is disorder/rebellion to them, for their order is in following their routine, their doctrine, their pattern and system as created and fashioned by their spiritual head(G.O), who assumes the place/position of Christ.
True ministry is nothing short of or outside of being moved or borne by the HolyGhost, for it is only by the HolyGhost and in the energy/power of the HolyGhost, that true ministry can be done/accomplished. There is no ministry/work of the Lord outside the move of the Spirit. Whatever is done/accomplished as borne by the HolyGhost, is surely not the work of man, but the work of God. The HolySpirit is the seal of and on every thing/product that is of God.
What is the seal/guarantee that no prophecy of scripture is of it's own interpretation/stands aloof from other prophecies of scripture? It is simply this: the holy men of God who lived in those old dispensations or foundational/early times of the fresh/pristine move of God, only spoke and wrote as they were moved by the HolyGhost. They never took up prophesying/preaching or writing ministry as something in itself, as a work or an assignment to be done/carried out, however, these things were wrought/accomplished as they were moved by the HolyGhost.
2 Peter 1:20-21 "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
Whatever is wrought/accomplished by man no matter how enormous and glorious it seems, stands aloof and in isolation in the sight of God, as that which is not in anyway of him, and cannot be an addition/contribution to his work; for it is sensual/carnal, having not the seal of the Spirit, and no matter how much it is branded, advertised and regarded by men as being the work/product of God, it remains fake/false in the sight of God.
Go through the book of Acts, and right from the first chapter what is very significant is the mission impossible scenario which Jesus himself paints and presents to his apostles/disciples; emphatically stating that the work is absolutely impossible without the move of the HolyGhost. The mission and the eternal purpose as bound up with it, was not going to be accomplished merely by men who had been with Jesus, and had been trained/discipled by him; even as great as that was, to be discipled/trained by Jesus himself, without the seal of the move of the HolySpirit there was no guarantee of true ministry. They had been trained/discipled by the Lord himself, they had received the great commission as delivered to them by the Lord himself saying "Go ye into all the world", but now they would have to wait for the move of the HolySpirit and not take up any form of work/ministry upon themselves; the primary call/core ministry to fulfil was to wait on the Lord, however, not to merely wait but to give themselves over to prayer and fellowship with the word of God as waiting on him.
This is where Acts 13 meets with Acts 1, and very significantly, both the apostleship of the circumcision and that of the uncircumcision were born out of this core ministry of waiting on the Lord.
This is where Acts 13 meets with Acts 1, and very significantly, both the apostleship of the circumcision and that of the uncircumcision were born out of this core ministry of waiting on the Lord.
Please see Acts 1:1-8, 12-20; 13:1-4; Galatians 2:7-8.