Where Christ Meets The Sinner & The Peril Of Meeting Another Jesus.

In taking up humanity, Christ came into our space and world; the realm & entity of our frailty, futility, iniquity & vanity; yet he remained the holy one, harmless, undefiled & separate from sinners. 
He didn't stop at just coming into our space and manifesting the godly/divine life as separate from the sinful life of the fallen race; he went further to meet us, and indeed it is in his death that he met us; dead in sins and trespasses, having no hope and without God in the world. Ephesians 2:1, 12.

In all the wonders and marvels of his earthly walk and ministry, in all the miracles he did starting from turning water to wine in Cana of Galilee; if he had stopped at just having a great ministry on earth, without going to the cross, he wouldn't have met us at the very place/point of our utmost/dire need, which is to be saved from our sins. 
If he had stopped at just having a great ministry upon the earth, he wouldn't have lived up to the very purpose of his coming and the essence/meaning of his name Jesus, as he who saves his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21.

Where The Church Embraced Another Jesus. 

The greatest need of a fallen human race is not to be healed, to be saved from enemies, & made prosperous so as to have a good time upon the earth; the dire need of a fallen race is to be saved from sin, which is the sting of death. Sadly men today even in the church, seek salvation from every other thing, apart from sin. The people seek a saviour who saves from poverty, sickness, failure, household enemies, untimely death etc. but not from sin; and the preachers preach/present a saviour who promises to save men from all these things but not from their sins; they thus meet another Jesus, which is not another but a perversion of the true; a Jesus that saves from every other thing apart from sin; a Jesus that empowers you to make wealth and have good success in this world but fails to empower you to live above sin.  Please see 2 Corinthians 11:2-4; Galatians 1:3-9; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.

Sadlythe voice of such preachers is loud; their sound through the air waves, has gone into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world thus many of us have been affected by them, and suffer till date, the ill/sickness which their words breed.
It thus shouldn't be a surprise to see a general spiritual weakness and lethargy in the church today, as the 21st century church is spiritually weak and void of the power to truly quicken and make men alive to God and dead to sins. 
The laodicean spiritual state has been fully reached, with the 21st century church embracing another Jesus, while the true Jesus is outside and knocking on the doors of individual hearts who still have ears to hear him. 
Indeed like Laodicea, the 21st century church is rich in money and material investments(landed properties/massive infrastructure etc.), and increased with the souls of men and their earthly goods which they have taken as spoil/booty. The testimony of breakthroughs, success, material prosperity and even miracles abound yet the true testimony is lost, and many do not even know what that true testimony is; a testimony of the victory of faith over self, sin, the world/ pleasures of this life and the fear of death. 
Revelation 3:14-22; 1 John 2:15-17; 5:4 and Revelation 12:11.

When Sinners Meet Another Jesus. 

Most sadly, is the fact that sinners in coming to the 21st century church, meet this 'other Jesus', who promises to save them from everyother thing but not from their sins. The sinner who in his wretched sinful state sees the dire need to be saved from sin, comes only to meet with a wicked, religious and satanic spirit, which hypes him even in his wretched state & opens his eyes to the need for every other thing but not to be saved from sin; a spirit that opens up vistas of endless possibilities to him showing him the power of the mind in conceiving and achieving, a spirit that urges him not to be complacent or contented with the level he is in, but to aspire for greater heights and go beyond borders in attainment of success in this world. All that the soul and self would desire, it furnishes him with, to cover up the nakedness of his soul as lost/dead in sin and thus he loses every consciousness of his true state as dead in sin, and can no longer see the need to be saved from his sin. He is made to sing alleluia and amazing grace, while he rides his way to eternal ruin & perdition. This is the greatest peril of this day & hour. It is better to remain a stark, wretched sinner than to meet this other Jesus which the 21st century Laodicean church has embraced. 

The true Christ meets the sinner as dead in sins and trespasses to quicken/make him or her alive to God; he doesn't meet the sinner in such a state of deadness to teach him or her success principles; how to succeed in business, marriage, career etc; how to prosper/receive power to make wealth yet as dead in sins and trespasses. The vision or passion of Christ in meeting sinners dead in sins and trespasses is not to make them rich or destroy all their enemies and make them live long upon the earth, only to die at old age and be lost to eternal perdition. Christ does not meet men dead in sins & trespasses, just to seek to make them members/regular attendees of a local assembly/church; and compel them to join a 'church' department in serving a God whom they know not.
Christ meets sinners who are dead in sins and trespasses, to raise them from their weakness/deadness in sin & make them alive unto God in true holiness. 
This is the Christ i want and seek after, the Jesus who saves his people from their sins; even the Jesus who is able to save to the uttermost, all that come unto God by him. 

Matthew 1:21 "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins."

Hebrews 7:23-25  "And they truly were many priests, because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death: But this man, because he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood. Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them."


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