Where Christ Meets The Sinner & The Peril Of Meeting Another Jesus.

In taking up humanity, Christ came into our space and world; the realm & entity of our frailty, futility, iniquity & vanity; yet he remained the holy one, harmless, undefiled & separate from sinners. He didn't stop at just coming into our space and manifesting the godly/divine life as separate from the sinful life of the fallen race; he went further to meet us, and indeed it is in his death that he met us; dead in sins and trespasses, having no hope and without God in the world. Ephesians 2:1, 12. In all the wonders and marvels of his earthly walk and ministry, in all the miracles he did starting from turning water to wine in Cana of Galilee; if he had stopped at just having a great ministry on earth, without going to the cross, he wouldn't have met us at the very place/point of our utmost/dire need, which is to be saved from our sins. If he had stopped at just having a great ministry upon the earth, he wouldn't have lived up to the very purpose of...