
Showing posts from September, 2018

Where Christ Meets The Sinner & The Peril Of Meeting Another Jesus.

In taking up humanity, Christ came into our space and world; the realm & entity of our frailty, futility, iniquity & vanity; yet he remained the holy one, harmless, undefiled & separate from sinners.  He didn't stop at just coming into our space and manifesting the godly/divine life as separate from the sinful life of the fallen race; he went further to meet us, and indeed it is in his death that he met us; dead in sins and trespasses, having no hope and without God in the world. Ephesians 2:1, 12. In all the wonders and marvels of his earthly walk and ministry, in all the miracles he did starting from turning water to wine in Cana of Galilee; if he had stopped at just having a great ministry on earth, without going to the cross, he wouldn't have met us at the very place/point of our utmost/dire need, which is to be saved from our sins.  If he had stopped at just having a great ministry upon the earth, he wouldn't have lived up to the very purpose of...


Few people know much of the history of these two doctrines much less realize that they were birthed from the same "womb" of heresy. The definition of heresy is that which divides and both the fruit of both doctrines elevated those preaching them to a status well and above that of the common "laity." In many respects they were an even deeper expression of "Nicoliatanism" (to rule over the common class) because they established a certain class system within the Body of Christ. The founders of the "Prosperity doctrine" and the "Manifest Sons of God doctrine" walked hand in hand often sharing the same platforms and doctrinal platforms. Both doctrines took an expression of "truth" from the scriptures and built upon it something that was not intended much less expressed in the full context of the scriptures. Both movements led their adherents to a level of subtle if not outright pride so much so that if one looks at thei...