When Captors Masquerade As Deliverers.

By Ninyo Omidiji. 

A peasant who becomes wealthy through "ministry"/church planting or pastoring, and a peasant who turns wealthy through politics, are both birds of a feather. They are both parasites and leeches,  enlarging at the expense of the system they are supposed to help feed and build. 

They both leave victims/casualties in their wake. And their victims have many things in common. They have been deceived,  but they do not know it. They are ignorant, but they parade themselves as informed. They have been sold a dummy.  They do not even know that they are victims. 

 Sadly,  it is easier to fool a people, than to convince them that they have been fooled. History has proven this time and time again.

Wealth has never been the goal of doing ministry, not the ministry of the kingdom of God. Definitely not the gospel. Neither should you join politics to become rich,  but to serve. Anyone who becomes rich through politics is a thief, confirmed! 

The victims of these shenanigans are the most amusing and ridiculous in the same breath..... They spend their time,  energy and resources to defend the same villains that have turned them to victims.  The victims would rather quarrel and attack themselves than take on their vilians, stand toe to toe with them and declare "enough is enough".  

Meanwhile, their villians, the politicians and "pastor-prenuers" hardly quarrel. And if you are discerning, and you use your head dispassionately,  you would know that, as a matter of fact,  they are partners in progress. One is bringing tithe, seed and offering to the table,  the other is offering prayers. 

“Unspeakable! Sickening! What’s happened in this country? Prophets preach lies and priests hire on as their assistants. AND MY PEOPLE LOVED IT. They eat it up! But what will you do when it’s time to pick up the pieces?”
Jeremiah 5:30‭-‬31 MSG

This is the bane of the African continent.  This is the story of my country, Nigeria. This is why we found ourselves in this quargmire. 

Until people get enlightened and deliver themselves from these captors masquerading as deliverers,  Nigeria,  indeed the whole of Africa will remain a sorry sight.  

You shall know the truth,  and the truth will make you free.  But it will piss you off, first.... 


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